This was especially true under the ecomienda system, whereby the Spanish built plantations for mining and farming and managed by Amerindian labor. When we read them now, we need to take the descriptions with a grain of salt. Want to create or adapt books like this? They also looked west, settling in Brazil. Probanzas de mritos were reports and letters written by Spaniards in the New World to the Spanish crown, designed to win royal patronage. The Carrack or Nao (meaning ship) was developed as a fusion between Mediterranean and Northern European-style ships. The Portuguese established a European trading post empire to capitalize on their superior navigation skills and tap into existing African trade routes. Bethel veterans weigh in on cost of living, health care and suicide The Spanish brought Western ideals to the Americas, including economic and religious systems. Spain and Portugal were considered to be the major exponents of The Age of Discovery, stretching from the early 15 th century to mid-17 th century. Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the principal role during most of the fifteenth century in searching for a route to Asia by sailing south around Africa. Impact of the Age of Exploration - StudyMode The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. Hoping to salvage Portugals Atlantic holdings, King Joo II began negotiations with Spain. Perhaps the key motivator behind exploration in this era was economic. In the 1480s, Pope Sixtus IV had granted Portugal the right to all land south of the Cape Verde islands, leading the Portuguese king to claim that the lands discovered by Columbus belonged to Portugal, not Spain. At the heart of the Spanish exploration, was the desire to gain access to the spice and silk routes to increase their power and . Gallery. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? They also found a sea route to India. Hernando Corts was part of the generation of Spanish colonizers that began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas. In the 15th century, Spanish ships travelled all around the World carrying plants, animals, people, and goods. They traded up the Zambezi river and interfered with the existing inland African trade. C. Africans sold spices to Portugal and Spain. Almost as an afterthought, the Portuguese turned west to Brazil in the 16th century and began settlement in 1533. They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. Rather than leading to the discovery of gold and silver, however, the expedition simply left Coronado bankrupt. In this context, the Portuguese and the Spanish became the first countries to explore the Atlantic consistently, finding routes around Africa to the East and new continents untouched by European expansion. Finally, Vasco de Gama arrived in India and came back with a nice, profitable load of spices in 1499. Europeans gained new materials like gold, silver, and jewels. Compare And Contrast The Social And Economic Effects Of | Bartleby However, the reality is far more complex. They were hoping to get rich, like their Spanish neighbors. Which type of automated bidding strategy is Target CPA? When Corts explored central Mexico, he encountered a region simmering with native conflict. Benjamin Walter on LinkedIn: What is the effect of emplacement depth what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration?the renaissance apartments chicago snoopy happy dance emoji 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 What are the most important factors behind the success of Portuguese and Spanish overseas exploration and colonization? When the Immortal had Thrash's set, the Dimensional lords had no choice, but to give up a huge part of Alphen to the Immortal's army. The compass rose also told . As a devoted Catholic, Columbus had agreed with Ferdinand and Isabella prior to sailing west that part of the expected wealth from his voyage would be used to continue the fight against Islam. While the Portuguese built a maritime trading empire in Africa and Asia, the Spanish built a territorial empire in the Americas . Hispaniola is a marvel. Prince Henry the Navigator | Biography, Influence & Facts, The Development of Monarchical Nation States: the Rise of Power, Bartolome de las Casas: Destruction of the Amerindians, Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire | Biography & Facts, Carolingian Art | Overview, Renaissance & Characteristics. Alejandro Duran - Vice President - Reservoir and Consulting - LinkedIn The Spaniards moved north, too. Although his first efforts against the Inca Empire in the 1520s failed, Pizarro captured the Inca emperor Atahualpa in 1532 and executed him one year later. Posted on . Francisco Vsquez de Coronado was born into a noble family and went to Mexico, then called New Spain, in 1535. Hoping to gain power over the city, Corts took Moctezuma, the Aztec ruler, hostage. A. Africans found a sea route around the world. However, the overthrow of the Mongols by the Ottoman Empire had closed that border as the longstanding religious differences between Christian Europe and Muslim Ottomans allowed the old conflict to disrupt the flow of trade. They wanted to spread catholic culture in whole world. Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire and took part in explorations of the northern Caribbean coast of South America. Her specialties include early modern European history, gender history, and music history. 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The global flow of silver from the mid-sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century caused social and economic issues by creating social impact in China, changing the economic purpose for trading, and the overall exchange between the Chinese and European nations. Back to Table of Contents. [3] What was Portugals role in the age of discovery? One such explorer, Francisco Pizarro, made his way to the Spanish Caribbean in 1509, drawn by the promise of wealth and titles. Portuguese spice trading also made goods available to the rest of Europe on a larger scale and enriched Portugal herself. To those ends, Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored extensive Atlantic exploration. This involved an exchange of plants, goods, ideas, and diseases from Europe to the Americas. The only arms they have are sticks of cane, cut when in seed, with a sharpened stick at the end, and they are afraid to use these. This angered the people of Tenochtitln, who rose up against the interlopers in their city. Among these was Toribio Motolinia, whose work, History of the Indians of New Spain, provided a comprehensive description not only of conversion methods, but Aztec religious and cultural practices. 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When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. John H Elliott - Empires Of The Atlantic World.pdf How to Market Your Business with Webinars. An error occurred trying to load this video. The Portuguese also traded these slaves, introducing much-needed human capital to other European nations. They forced the native people to change their religion and follow Christainity. Jul 22nd, 2021 Published. The Portuguese expanded in wealth and founded the international slave trade, an institution whose ramifications would haunt Atlantic history until the nineteenth century. Indeed, the Spanish created an empire across two continents, and the world would never be the same. An exchange of ideas, fueled and financed in part by New World commodities, began to connect European nations and, in turn, to touch the parts of the world that Europeans conquered. Essay Sample. Effects of Spanish Exploration - CAST The English Empire, 16601763, Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests, 1763-1774, America's War for Independence, 1775-1783, Creating Republican Governments, 17761790, Growing Pains: The New Republic, 17901820, Industrial Transformation in the North, 18001850, A Nation on the Move: Westward Expansion, 18001860, Cotton is King: The Antebellum South, 18001860, Antebellum Idealism and Reform Impulses, 18201860, Go West Young Man! The Portuguese Role in Exploring and Mapping the New World In the following years, as European exploration spread, slavery spread as well. They are most beautiful, of a thousand varied forms, accessible, and full of trees of endless varieties, so high that they seem to touch the sky, and I have been told that they never lose their foliage. Explore the collection at The Cervantes Project for images, complete texts, and other resources relating to Cervantess works. Portugal protested that the line gave excessively to Spain. With financial assistance from the maritime enthusiast Prince Henry the Navigator and the invention of lateen or triangular sails, the Portuguese opened trading routes along the African coast. Spices, fabrics, and other luxuries flowed into Portugal and out to other European countries, and the Portuguese treasury swelled. The overland routes involved terrain that was unforgiving and dangerous, and merchants couldn't trust that they would always be safe. extensive migration of people from the Western Hemisphere to Europe and Asia. NYFA's Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree programs are designed to provide students with a concentrated education in film, media, and entertainment, supported by an exploration of the liberal arts and sciences. He spent most of his life in the Americas advocating for the natives. Assessing the Success of Portuguese and Spanish Exploration and Sugar fueled the Atlantic slave trade, and the Portuguese islands quickly became home to sugar plantations. Other countries would soon follow suit with France and Spain founding colonies for trade connections and means of dealing with dissident religious groups in North America. As they died, new workers were needed. These countries, therefore, represent two distinct, but key goals of New World exploration that became the basic pattern for the history of the Atlantic World. What was the positive impact of Portuguese exploration? Such problems only created possibilities for new solutions as European colonies and trade cropped up around the world. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Why Did Europeans Want a New Route to Asia? - Wine and dried fruits from Algarve were sold in Flanders and England, salt from Setbal and Aveiro was a profitable export to northern Europe, and leather and kermes, a scarlet dye, were also exported. The history of Spanish exploration begins with the history of Spain itself. Huguenots Overview, History & Beliefs | Who were the Huguenots? Islamic states had dominated. 1015 Words. After Christopher Columbus bumped into the New World in 1492, a string of explorers and conquistadors set about claiming territory for Spain. The Portuguese took the lead. What Were the Lasting Effects of Spanish Conquest in Latin - Reference Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest by OpenStaxCollege is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. There is honey, and there are many kinds of birds, and a great variety of fruits. Spanish and Portuguese Exploration Flashcards | Quizlet I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Early European Maritime Expeditions | The Geography of Transport Systems There were different reasons for the Spanish and Portuguese exploration, with the Portuguese establishing a trading post empire to protect their goods, and Spain focusing on empire-building. In this instance, Cortes actually operated without approval from the Spanish crown or the governor of the Cuban colony because he desired a chance to make his own name and wealth without the credit going to his superiors. This venture drew them further out, especially with Prince Henry the Navigator's patronage of exploration which opened the possibilities of finding a route to the Far East by sea. Great Explorers of Spain and Portugal: Aims & Discoveries, Radical Reformation Origins & Beliefs | Anabaptists & Antitrinitarians. The Portuguese also traded these slaves, introducing much-needed human capital to other European nations. All of these items are still traded across the Atlantic today to places all over the world. Elmina Castle on the west coast of Ghana was used as a holding pen for slaves before they were brought across the Atlantic and sold. Spain wanted to explore the New World first to find a trade route to India as the Portuguese had. The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugal's explorers changed Europeans' understanding of the world in several ways. What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration quizlet? European exploration | Definition, Facts, Maps, Images - Britannica Spanish relationships with the natives tended to vary depending on the person. When Vasco de Gama found a new route to India, the Portuguese were able to trade spices and jewels. Such accounts kept the debate on the treatment of natives constantly at the forefront of political life during the age of exploration with the struggle always between greed and humanity. How do you think it might have influenced Europeans reading about the New World for the first time? Thus the goals of the Spanish conquest were quite different from the Portuguese. what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration? When this lesson is over, you should be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. Other explorers made their way up the California coast and across the American southeast. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. The travels of Portuguese traders to western Africa introduced them to the African slave trade, already brisk among African states. The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in 1469 unified Catholic Spain and began the process of building a nation that could compete for worldwide power. The Spanish brought horses, guns, and other weaponry with them which frightened the Aztecs. Fighting on horseback gave the Spanish explorers an advantage over the Native American populations, who fought on foot. The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. Dutch & Spanish Dominance in South & Southeast Asia, The Italian Wars and Weakening of Papal Authority, Protestant Reformation on Germany | History, Effects & Impacts. Spain and Portugal divided the New World by drawing a north-to-south line of demarcation in the Atlantic Ocean, about 100 leagues (555 . The Spanish and Portuguese empires | South America | The Places It took nearly a year for the Spanish and the tens of thousands of native allies who joined them to defeat the Mexica in Tenochtitln, which they did by laying siege to the city. This was centre of the gold trade. The Significance of Spanish Colonial Missions in our National Story and De Gama's successful venture created a greater demand than ever before for overseas trades along the African coast. Technological Innovations of the Age of Exploration They stayed because of the wealth found in the region. The 15th and 16th centuries have often been labeled the age of exploration, discovery, and expansion. Portugal, the western-most European country, was one of the primary players in the European Age of Discovery and Exploration. This slave trade also came into greater usage when the Portuguese followed the Spanish in setting their sights across the Atlantic, colonizing Brazil in the 1530s. Although the period known as the Age of Discovery, when Western Europe's conquistadors or conquerors discovered the true expanse of the globe, began with a Portuguese and Spanish desire to find ways to the Far East and the spice trade, it ended with both nations permanently expanding a myriad of trade networks and colonies on continents previously unknown. While the Portuguese remained focused on the establishment of trading networks, only turning to full colonization later, Spanish discoveries of established empires in North and South America led them to explore and subsequently expand their own empire with the intention of growing wealthier and spreading Catholicism. They started in the Caribbean with a settlement at Santo Domingo on Hispaniola in 1496 and moved on to other islands. However, when Columbus in fact discovered America, the subsequent discoveries of indigenous peoples led the Catholic country to move beyond pure trade goals to establish lasting colonies that would add to Spain's greatness and spread Catholicism to the New World. In 1542, de Soto himself died during the expedition. Columbus made a total of four voyages to the New World, but he honestly believed for the rest of his life that he had found the Far East. She has taught college English and religious education classes and currently works as a freelance writer. People were curious, interested, and eager for fresh experiences and observations. During the fifteenth century, Spain hoped to gain advantage over its rival, Portugal. Portuguese explorers were able to discover and conquer new worlds. This map traces Coronados path through the American Southwest and the Great Plains. Europeans wanted to find their own trade routes and cut out the middle men, and with their better ships, maps, and navigational tools, they finally had the technology to do it. Spain had dominated much of the Americas; Ortiz goes as far to brand the period as "The Golden Age of Spain [1] ". The dungeon of the fort now served as a holding pen for African slaves from the interior of the continent, while on the upper floors Portuguese traders ate, slept, and prayed in a chapel. It has many ports along the sea-coast excelling any in Christendomand many fine, large, flowing rivers. The Spanish conquistadors also had horses, which people in the Americas had never seen before. Although the Portuguese originally used the fort primarily for trading gold, by the sixteenth century they had shifted their focus. . Notes FAQ Contact . PDF EUROPEAN EXPLORATION 1400 1500 (Adapted from Discovery Education) All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Although the Spanish had superior weapons, the strength of the Aztecs made the campaign long and grueling. The Spaniards were not far behind the Portuguese in their exploration and empire building. Lutheranism History, Facts & Beliefs | What is Lutheranism? For many Europeans, the Age of Exploration signifies a time when new lands were discovered. Beginning in about 1418, Henry sent explorers to sea almost every year. This button displays the currently selected search type. Spanish and Portuguese exploration brought a variety of Western ideas to the new world, including dress and leadership positions like that of the governor. What was the difference between the Portuguese and Spanish trading Spanish and Portuguese Exploration in the Americas The seaports there are incredibly fine, as also the magnificent rivers, most of which bear gold. Portugal got richer because of the Indian trade. The Portuguese did not emphasize colonization in their new territories. In 1492, Granada, the last Muslim stronghold on the Iberian Peninsula, had fallen to the forces of the Spanish monarchs. Felicity Moran received a Bachelors in history from Franciscan University of Steubenville, and a Master's in history from the University of Cincinnati, where she taught at the collegiate level for two years. In 1418, the Portuguese came upon the Madeira Islands and established a colony at Porto Santo. They also had different strategies that helped them make progress through their travels of the ocean. By this and other means, native people helped shape the conquest of the Americas. Corts was also aided by a Nahua woman called Malintzin (also known as La Malinche or Doa Marina, her Spanish name), whom the natives of Tabasco gave him as tribute. Columbus' discoveries also shifted the reasons behind Spanish exploration from trade to empire-building and exploration. Upon Columbuss return to Spain, the Spanish crown bestowed on him the title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea and named him governor and viceroy of the lands he had discovered. Portuguese mariners built an Atlantic empire by colonizing the Canary, Cape Verde, and Azores Islands, as well as the island of Madeira. What impact did the Portuguese and Spanish explorers have on Europe? In the eighteenth century, a French historian compared Spanish and Portuguese expansion in the New World in the following terms: The conquests of the Portuguese in the New World are not as pleasing on a broad view as the conquests of Mexico and Peru. D. Africans attended Prince Henry's navigation school Prince Henry the Navigator - Facts, Timeline & Significance - Biography Spains acquisitiveness seemingly knew no bounds as groups of its explorers searched for the next trove of instant riches. Westward Expansion, 1840-1900, Industrialization and the Rise of Big Business, 1870-1900, The Growing Pains of Urbanization, 1870-1900, Leading the Way: The Progressive Movement, 1890-1920, Age of Empire: American Foreign Policy, 1890-1914, The Jazz Age: Redefining the Nation, 1919-1929, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? What impact did the Portuguese and Spanish explorers have on Europe? The confinement of my story to Spanish, rather than Iberian, America means the almost total exclusion of the Portuguese settlement of Brazil, except for glancing references to the sixty-year period, from 1580 to 1640, when it formed part of Spain's global monarchy.