Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. Grew out of the expansion of the railroad What peonage did was to appease the South, in its time of greatest humility. I would be right there to see him put on . When did reconstruction take place? "Slavery by Another Name" Documentary. Other appropriate courses offered during the fall and spring semesters, or during the winter term, may be substituted for at the discretion of the program director. Arlington: PBS. Any sights of disobedience were viewed as a crime and were highly punishable by the authorities. During the 16th century, outsiders settled in the Caribbean. Yet in spite of the great strides, vestiges of peonage remain in concrete and highly visible ways. When the dominant culture (of presumably law-abiding citizens) refuses to welcome the outsider or Other, the subculture strengthens and flourishes. Labor reform hY]o+|L]~;n uDMq ? Choose the answer that best describes the action or situation. 5. Therefore, the sociological component of peonage created a vast underclass of people labeled as "criminal." Explain some of the aspects of convict labor in the mines? from the book jacket. By 1865, despite the promise of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth Amendment, and the Confederate defeat in the Civil War, many former slaves did not in reality experience a new birth of freedom. The Republican-controlled Congress enacted the Fourteenth Amendment (enshrining birthright citizenship and equal protection of the law) in 1868 and the Fifteenth Amendment (guaranteeing the right to vote for all men regardless of race) in 1870. He was immediately sold to a coal mine on the outskirts of Birmingham to a company that was then going to pay his fines off one month at a time. It's a story of American history. hb``` ead +b`Pfh|Nx(ppp`Cai*RV6^Q2{Y:wev/"w^kZ7hzem+:wM Z B ;E Ld``w1 q < [ "Slavery by Another Name" Documentary. It was a shocking reality that often went unacknowledged, then and now: A huge system of forced, unpaid labor, mostly affecting Southern black men, that lasted until World War II. And if we want to appreciate the triumphal parts of our past, we really have to be willing to confront these parts as well. This is how our country got in the habit of finding it normal to see such a huge population of African-American men in particular incarcerated all the time. 3 Chain gang and sharecropping in 1908. A combination of the factors mentioned above forms a critical understanding of the overall image of the American history and the countrys involvement in the support of slavery while highlighting the importance of the historical events for the formation of a clear understanding of the topic. And that's what had happened to Green Cottenham. IvyPanda. A labor uprising to protest convict leasing led to the Coal Creek War. Justice Reform From county courthouses and jails, men were leased to local plantations, lumber camps, factories and railroads," (p. 2). He was born in freedom. Instead, slavery began to recede meaningfully more like 50 or 60 years ago. Mark Levin Podcast Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/1/23 2023-03-01. Under this system, whites would fabricate crimes (or exaggerate actual ones for a white-dominated court system), accusing newly freed African-Americans. Accumulated 15,000 by 1886 However, one important vestige of peony was that the system inherently prevented African-Americans from organizing and creating a cohesive community. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you February 13, 2012 8:31 AM. Slavery by Another Name discusses the critical points related to the history of the United States of America and determines its crucial correlation to the African-American studies. Subscribe to Heres the Deal, our politics ""Slavery by Another Name" Documentary." It is apparent that not all of the American citizens are aware of the issues, which are discussed in the film, and these stories have to be presented to cultivate the importance of tolerance, freedoms, and the recognition of rights in the modern society. An examination of peonage in particular demonstrates the deep racial, cultural, and geographic divide that characterizes the United States of America. You can see it on Netflix now. Listeners will experience the sounds Tubman experienced and the songs she sang through a "sensory history" that brings this compelling story to life. Citation - Slavery by another name - UW-Madison Libraries Citation Data MLA produced and directed by Sam Pollard ; written by Sheila Curran Bernard ; a production of TPT National Productions in association with Two Dollars & A Dream, Inc. Slavery by Another Name. It also incorporates interviews with people living today, including several African American descendants of victims of forced labor who discovered their connection to this history after reading Blackmons book. endobj At, we provide students the tools they need to streamline their studying, researching, and writing tasks. It will reveal the interlocking forcesracial prejudice, demand for cheap labor and a tainted judiciarythat enabled slavery by another name to persist. . hbbd``b`v S4 [Documentary Film]. The reader is guided from a narrow perspective on responsible 1996 - 2023 NewsHour Productions LLC. We meet the inspiring educators associated with, In June of 1892, Homer Plessy was arrested for violating Louisianas Separate Car Act. 183 0 obj <>stream Sociological and criminological labeling theory implies that individuals or whole groups are "tagged" with the designation of being criminal, and that once those tags are in place, they are difficult to remove because "the stigma that accompanies the deviant 'tag' causes a person fall into deeper nonconformity," ("Becker," n.d.). But, instead, five months later, he died under horrible conditions in a coal mine outside of Birmingham owned by U.S. Steel Corporation. Because they were put through the criminal justice system, African-Americans were collectively viewed as being dangerous criminals. Slavery by Another Name Film & Theme Questions for class discussion Resources Equality under the Law: Slavery by Another Name In 1865, the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment constitutionally outlawed slavery, and African American looked forward to what they would make of their new-found freedom. CHARLES MILLS: As a young boy to see my father in the parade was one of the greatest things in the world. To be very concise, slavery is the opposite of freedom. Erasing the Black Freedom Struggle: How State Standards Fail to Teach the Truth About Reconstruction, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, National Report on the Teaching of Reconstruction. The vestiges of peony are visible every day in the fact that poverty and race are entwined in nearly every part of the United States. About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate. "Slavery by Another Name"debuted in 2012 and runs for 90 minutes. Well, we did know it at the time. So, help us understand how this could happen. Based on the information provided above, the core clues, which define the selected audience, are related to Slavery by Another Names narrative and its ability to explain the situation profoundly with the examples from history while using understandable language. Wagner, N.O. dG"ineCW/xy]QYzZ"BeJt oG"9R&lf_q"u;q?#^E0j[O~Mm9TeO `Q&TiReIqdl\JCBX2jJ%_UUV# qt|yWdI\3 O96` .Vo+cqZ'CXK{ciKCJ{f4ZD^m'w?O)@`xP8b M%6%Ysk@XlxAf p#q .d>Sr[k=3 >Y4{q;'au94w |7l8ap"c3%zn7|%VVN5E\xs )A [&d !bD9: JiJ ci@ Advertisement This immense system of forced, unpaid labor was a shocking reality that has often gone unacknowledged. Meanwhile, the author of the original book, which is the basis for the script for the film, also participates in storytelling, as he experienced the difficulties of the integration of blacks and whites and tended to contribute to the profound understanding of the issue (Slavery by Another Name). And that's all the difference in the world. The country had been fighting over the role of African-Americans for almost a generation at that point. GcJm!B{+wnj{\{ Nnpfq~j=AHNZ$Xjnqot)rn>m%bi"z'-HPbMCA tat'qtbM3m)^f`*^%6+n. Samuel D. Pollard, the director of this historical documentary, may also be known for his work on "Eyes on the Prize" and " 4 Little Girls .". What are some of the other forms of slavery by another name? - The Strategy of Nonviolence. Convict leasing cut costs on construction of prisons, as well as on the housing of prisoners because the local plantations and industries agreed to provide room and board for the convicts they leased. . Because they were put through the criminal justice system, African-Americans were collectively viewed as being dangerous criminals. Retrieved online: <> PBS doc shines light on shameful period in American history. It was as if the only way to extricate slavery from the system was all-out revolution. Meanwhile, the film contributes to the discovery of the important details related to this segment. The report examines state standards, course requirements, frameworks, and support for teachers in each state. Whether a company or an individual, we are marred either by our connections to the specific crimes and injuries of our fathers and their fathers. We utilize security vendors that protect and One vestige of the peonage system was the Black Codes, which delimited the social, economic, and political behaviors of African-Americans. 2012. Characters who are always in need of discrediting the United State and to oppose its role as pre-eminent and most powerful force for goodness, human dignity and freedom focus on bloody past of America as a slave holding nation. Nonetheless, he opposes and has a negative attitude towards the forced labor, and his actions help to reveal the participation of John Pace in the debt slavery (Slavery by Another Name). Certainly, white Southerners were. "Slavery by Another Name" is a documentary about the brutality southern white men inflicted upon black people. It was primarily imposed on African American men in the South and lasted until World War II. Documentary 2012. Given the problems associated with peonage, Black Codes, convict leasing, and other, References Self-empowerment was a long, hard-fought battle attained by very few, most of whom had abandoned the hard memories of plantation life for a new start up north. Circular 3591, It created a sharp divide in the country: IvyPanda, 29 Aug. 2020, Peonage impacted the ways otherwise well-meaning whites viewed blacks. Additional funding by Georgia-Pacific, KeyBank Foundation and Merck. It's a story of terrible things done by Americans to other Americans. ,04+Xz:@>z~a7;zPgU~&aA[\|r_`8 oe!0x>/nX)~Ek]{J#/9mQ Behind Steve is part of The Agenda logo, a lowercase a. <>>> and encouraged segregation, 1. IvyPanda. The documentary recounts how in the years following the Civil War, insidious new forms of forced labor emerged in the American South, keeping hundreds of thousands of African Americans in bondage, trapping them in a brutal system that would persist until the onset of World War II. IvyPanda. It is not just obvious in terms of 20/20 hindsight historical vision; the problem was immediately apparent to all who cared to see. Your privacy is extremely important to us. The film tells how even as chattel slavery came to an end in 1865, thousands of African Americans were pulled back into forced labor with shocking . [Description from PBS.]. % judges and encouraging the prosecution of peonage. NARRATOR: On the morning of August 3, 1920, 46 year-old Jacob Mills shined his boots, polished his sword, and headed to Harlem to take part in one of the biggest parades in New York's history. opinion against convict leasing; the loss of revenue was significant, and the cost of housing convicts high. 1. He saw them as a great source of profit. Since 1940, even with all the problems that persist, since that time since 1970, even with all the problems that persist, African-Americans have achieved on a level economically and educationally, I think, that's unrivaled by any group of people in human history. By Michelle Alexander. Douglas A. Blackmon is the Atlanta Bureau Chief of the Wall Street Journal. What are some of the other forms of slavery by another name? Whipping, keeping people chained up, brutal kinds of physical torture and mental abuse are the norm. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Therefore, the sociological component of peonage created a vast underclass of people labeled as "criminal." 2011. The Department . endobj Available on PBS Video. Douglas A. Blackmon shares how the project Slavery by Another Name evolved. And by the beginning of the 20th century, whites all over the country had seen stories written about some of the particularly the worst atrocities and some of the brutalities. The peonage system represents one of the great failures of Reconstruction. To assure the existence of the social and historical support, the movie is presented in the form of the documentary and can be viewed by an extended audience to spread awareness about the drawbacks of slavery, intolerance, and racism among the representatives of different generations. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Slavery by Another Name explores the new forms of slavery after the Civil War. He experienced some of the some of that period of time in which you had huge numbers of black people who voted. Based on the Pulitzer-Prize-winning book by Douglas Blackmon, Slavery By Another Name tells the stories of men, charged with crimes like vagrancy, and often guilty of nothing, who were bought and sold, abused, and subject to sometimes deadly working conditions as unpaid convict labor. The mine was often filled with standing water around their ankles and their feet. 3 0 obj Steve Paikin is seated at a desk in The Agenda studio with his hands crossed on the desk. 29 August. Chesnutt, C.W. They were incredibly dangerous places to work, being subjected to violent explosions, poisonous gases that were released as coal fell from the walls, in addition to the falling coal itself. Catalog Slavery by another name : Book . Their debts were passed on to their Inner city ghettos remind us of the legacy of slavery by another name. And it became an instrument of injustice, instead of a system of justice. Ex. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. endstream endobj 158 0 obj <>/Metadata 68 0 R/Outlines 95 0 R/Pages 151 0 R/StructTreeRoot 106 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 159 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 160 0 obj <>stream As Ive traveled, discussing the book and meeting readers, a stream of African-Americans have related to me how the book made them reassess their own family histories, said Blackmon. Origins of slavery This was not a matter of the South acting in a rogue way; this represented the absolute complicity of the federal government in allowing the system of peonage to continue. Privateers conducted sweeps throughout the south before harvest season and based upon need for mine labor, 1. What prompted FDR to end involuntary servitude? The Black Nationalism movement was a cohesive response to systematic oppression, and negative responses to Black Nationalism and Black Power prove that whites had no idea of the extent to which they had created a chasm in America. "Slavery by Another Name," based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book of the same name, tells the story of the thousands of African-Americans who were arrested on trumped-up charges and forced to work as convict labor. How did privateers sustain involuntary servitude? SLAVERY BY ANOTHER NAME is a 90-minute documentary that challenges one of Americans' most cherished assumptions: the belief that slavery in this country ended with the Emancipation Proclamation. Limp federal legislation enabled the racist social and political climate in the American South to fester, depriving all Americans of the opportunity to experience a "more perfect union." )`Ojy(a)*."2^)'7idYE One expert writes "early Christians repeatedly conceived of sin and salvation in terms of slavery and freedom" (DeWet, 2010, p. 27) and that "in fact, slavery had become so embedded in the ancient conceptual reality that it played an integral part in the cosmologies and, But that doesn't really change the history or the reality of any event. And through most of the period of time that this was happening, these forced labor camps tended to be 80 or 90 percent African-Americans. About Slavery By Another Name. Slavery By Another Name challenges one of America's most cherished assumptions - the belief that slavery in the US ended with Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation - by telling the harrowing story of how in the South, a new system of involuntary servitude took its place with shocking force slaverycivil warbased on bookamerican history