Such arrangement would inter alia breed neglect, frustration and aggression; no thanks to the red-tape inherent in unitarism. This is another reason for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria. 7 Functions of Nigerian Federalism - Information Guide in Nigeria Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. This is because federalism is presented as a panacea in organizing distinct political identities under a state. (PDF) Federalism as a Political Ideology and System of Government: The The Attorney General sought to know whether the 13% sharing formula of the oil producing states should include revenue from oil producing states should include revenue from oil production activities off shore. This is because most of the power (financial and. In order to examine these issues, this paper adopted qualitative research and intrinsic approach methodology, along with relative deprivation theory. All rights reserved. - Cooperative or "marble-cake" federalism is de ned as a exible relationship between the national and state government in which both work together on a variety of issues and programs. FRED EKPE F. AYOKHAI, Peter W I L F R E D Naankiel, This study, using content analysis, examined the impact of fiscal federalism and the struggles of ethnic minority groups in the Niger Delta on the trajectories of the national question in Nigeria. CLICK HERE To Pay With Debit Card ($15) GHANA - Make Payment of 80 GHS to MTN MoMo, 0553978005, Douglas Osabutey. Size and population of a country is among the determinants of the level of power and influence which a country commands. Thus, federalism is mostly considered a tangible element for coexistence, but much more, I think, as political syrup, for adumbrating potent dislocations inherent in, and symptomatic of pluralist societies. There is no doubt that geographical factored are one of the influential reasons for federalism in Nigeria. /Parent 2 0 R In this article, I will elucidate and discuss with references the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria. Meaningful studies, especially the comparative study of Vile, have significantly shown that emerging challenges of conflict, cooperation and competition amongst levels of government in classical federalist states such as U.S., Canada and Australia, are important rationales for federating as well as the hallmarks of federal government (Vile, cited in Jinadu, 1979). by the federal or any state government. 5 Problems Of Federalism In Nigeria And Solutions Federalism And Intergovernmental Relations In Nigeria. Since federal systems have been formed for different reasons and to One of the major reasons why countries choose federalism is because of size. It allows for popular participation in politics at every level of government. Besides the Big Three Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba, there are other macro and micro ethnic minorities in the country. Fiscal Federalism and Democratic Governance in Nigeria - I. O. Taiwo 2004 Roxy Horner biography: who is Jack Whitehalls girlfriend? Federalism has been present in Nigeria since the former British colony was reorganized into a federation of three regions in 1946. Also read: Highest paying law firms in Nigeria. It forays into the inherent issues underlying the Biafran movement and the ways in which those issues, as well as Biafran agitation, are inimical to Nigeria's development. The governmental powers are shared between the federal government and the thirty-six state governments. PDF The Efficacy of Federalism in a Multi-Ethnic State: The Nigerian - CORE we are proud to nigeria our inherited country,god bless nigeria. Payment Details. Death of a nation - Biafra and the Nigerian question.pdf, The politics and problem of fiscal federalism and revenue allocation formula in Nigeria: Who should get what, how, when and why, Resource Control: a Necessary Element for True Federalism in Nigeria, THE IMPACT OF STATE JOINT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT ON STATE LOCAL RELATIONS IN SOUTH WESTERN NIGERIA, MEMORANDUM ON TRUE FEDERALISM SUBMITTED BY THE 'RESTRUCTURE NIGERIA' COMMUNITY AS A RESPONSE TO THE APC COMMITTEE CALL ON TRUE FEDERALISM, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL STUDIES The Legal Framework for the Corporate Existence of Nigeria, Intricacies and paradoxes federalism and secessionism in Nigeria.pdf, Civic Education Curriculum Implementation, NIGERIAN FEDERALISM AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PURSUIT, PROSPECTS AND IMPEDIMENTS TO UNITY AND NATION BUILDING, Constitutions Making, Amendments, Reviews and Nigerias Political Development:
There was just the Northern Protectorate and the Southern Protectorate. Federalism as a system of government has been approached with variegated definitions such that one might argue that there are much definitions of federalism as there are authors on the subject. In the words of Richards, regionalism was introduced to strengthen unity in diversity. That is often the reason why some adherents of Marx quarrel vehemently about such preordained classification such as: haves and have-nots; and the liberal minds grappling with, insisting not only that all hands are not equal, but that they must never, for whatsoever reason at all, be made equal - believing that that would tantamount to the highest injustice. Nigeria as a result was divided into three provinces. Stated reasons of the coup were prevailing gangsterism and disorder, corruption and nepotism in the civil government. 2. What are the reasons Nigeria adopted the Federalism system of government in Nigeria? The regional government had power over matters that are listed under the residual list. The Challenge of Domesticating Children's Rights Treaties in Nigeria Identities can be in terms of ethnicity, culture, religion and other differences," she says. Federalism in Nigeria - Wikipedia Geographical nearness of the component states to each other and the state network of roads and transportation. More importantly, certain heavy but blurred (or fluid) terminologies that define or designate Nigerias federal principle, which are highly pertinent to coexistence, have yet compounded the theoretical and practical significance of federalism in Nigeria. The United States, Canada, India, France and Australia adopted federalism because of the desire for security by the various ethnic units. Even the masses in the rural areas of the country are allowed to participate in politics by electing their representatives into office. Here, the Attorney General of the Federation Instituted the case to test the true position so that the federal government would be guided on the varying issues of derivation formula. Reasons for a state to adopt a federal system include the need to reflect linguistic, economic and cultural differences of a population, especially one that is concentrated geographically. (eds. Nigeria has been dubbed as a product of British colonial suturing. Since a strong bond links the process through which constitutions are produced and their degree of acceptance and effectiveness, questions over the Constitutions legitimacy prompted parliament to amend it in 2010. Between 1960 and 1996, the three regions have been divided into smaller entities which are now known as states and their boundaries were reorganised. PDF Nigeria'S Federalism and State Reorganization and Restructuring /F7 24 0 R Reasons for the Adoption of Federalism in Nigeria | LearnAllinfo From the onset, Nigeria, like most of her federating peers, has faced one major challenge in the course of her political voyage - the crisis of who is who. Ordinarily and without much logicality, by who is who, one means the problematic and destructive component of identity. Also see: Differences between 1960 and 1963 constitution of Nigeria, reasons for federal system of government in nigeria. And even now we can see the population of Nigeria compared to other countries in Africa. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Reasons for the Adoption of Federalism in Nigeria. endobj Federalism in Nigeria. Given the size of Nigeria, it lays claims to being the Giant of Africa. Many nations in the international community recognizes her as such. % Manages And Maintains And Secures Nigeria. Federalism: Federal Features in the Colonial State." A chronology of critical events in Nigeria's political development from the adoption of a federal system in 1954 to the present is provided in Table 1. 2. The fact that these nations chose to adopt a federal system does not prove anything; it does, however, suggest that federalism may help these countries manage the problems that come with ethnic . Adobe d C What are the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria? REASONS FOR LOW TRADE Historical reasons - India adopted socialist model of economy and policy of import substitution and protectionism till 1990s and civil wars and domestic instability in other countries Poor Connectivity- Due to difficult terrain on borders, poor development of inland waterways, poor border infrastructure like border huts . In federalism, there is accountability, there is transparency. Prior to independence, it is believed that the British adopted federalism because it favored their interest. Nigeria: A Federation in Search of Federalism Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Federalism and the United States Constitution - ThoughtCo /Width 371 Notwithstanding the above reasons for the adoption of Nigerian federalism, we can also mention some specific factors peculiar to Nigeria. But besides these three major tribes, there are over 350 other smaller tribes with diverse languages and dialects. Therefore, the adoption of a federal political framework in Nigeria was a necessity as the system was the only viable option for a multi-ethnic country like Nigeria. PDF Nigerian Federalism: Issues, Challenges and Prospects Therefore, the problem with federalism in Nigeria is the mix-application or non-application of this clause especially as it has to do with power distribution (Awa, 1977). By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. "There are reasons why some nation-states opt for federalism. /F3 12 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode In a Unitary system, the minority states cannot govern the entire region which is controlled by majority. Besides the Big Three - Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba, there are other macro and micro ethnic minorities in the country. Asst. Differences between 1960 and 1963 constitution of Nigeria, Differences Between First, Second and Third Degree Murder, Best Lawyers In The World (With Pictures): Top 10 Most Popular, Factors that Limits Independence of the Judiciary in Nigeria, Statute of Fraud: Contracts Required to be in Writing, Advantages And Disadvantages Of a Limited Liability Company (LLC), Richest Christian Musicians In The World: Top 10 Wealthiest, Countries With The Highest Minimum Wage 2022: Top 13, Best Handworks/Skills To Learn In Nigeria 2023: Top 12 Most Lucrative, Richest Engineers In Nigeria 2022: Top 10 Highest Paid, Cheapest Places to Live in the United Kingdom 2022: 12 Most Affordable, Cheapest Places/Cities To Live In Nigeria 2022. +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ Federalism in Nigeria refers to the devolution of self-governance by the West African nation of Nigeria to its federated states, who share sovereignty with the Federal Government . /Length 3884 Rather there has been more challenges than benefits of this federal system. It was subsequently, not until after the American constitution of 1787, that a new concept of federalism was introduced. A large body of literature exists on Nigeria's fiscal federalism particularly with reference to revenue allocation. Another factor that prompted the adoption of federalism in Nigeria is the fear of insecurity and the desire for union. This prototype edition of the daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. All these strengthen political bonds and gave Rice to unity in diversity. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br By way of conclusion, it is imperative to know that the reason why Nigeria is still practicing federalism today is because the system seems to be suitable for our political value and culture. In this paper I explain the hows and whys of the minorities continued disadvantaged status in spite of the far-reaching steps that have been taken to ameliorate, if not eliminate, the problem. Also, the adoption of the Littleton constitution of 1954 laid further credence to . Nigeria is a plural society of over 250 tongues and tribes. MCC Vol 2 No 1 Article 04.pdf, GJ #2018, 2, Globalization and Federation in Peril: Renewed Agitations for Statehood and the Future of Nigerian State, by A. M. Maigari and U. Dantani, GLOBALIZATION AND FEDERATION IN PERIL: RENEWED AGITATIONS FOR STATEHOOD AND THE FUTURE OF NIGERIAN STATE, RESTRUCTURING NIGERIA: BEYOND POLITICAL RHETORIC AND THE MORAL PANIC, PDF copy of Published paper on Agitation and restructuring.pdf, ESSAYS ON RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION AS A PEREMPTORY NORM AND THE LIMITATION IN EXERCISING THAT RIGHT.pdf, Federalism, Military Legacies and the Restructuring Debate in Contemporary Nigeria, Legal Aid Journal of Legal Issues Vol. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Your email address will not be published. Federalism was implemented in Nigeria as way back as 1946 during the British colonial era. 1. The size of Nigeria is therefore managed and maintained with federalism. Another important factor that necessitated federalism in Nigeria was the political culture of the country. Changes in Branch Office Registration Requirements The current problems facing the Nigeria government and the Biafra separatist agitators originate in the causes and the effects of the Nigerian Civil war (06 July 1967-15 January 1970). But nigeria today became the proudable and bearable country, The states' territories were formed around ethnic groups with common interest and close ties, culture, and dialects.