They said God had periodically created new Universes by breathing out, and recreated other Universes by breathing in. I was not committed to one particular religion. Oftentimes, the details they reported defy explanation, such as seeing a deceased person who no one knew was dead yet, or learning details about how that individual died before anyone else. It took me years after I returned from my near-death experience to assimilate any words at all for the Void experience. His research suggests that we can train ourselves to use our sixth sense in a more conscious way as the connection between the organized patterns of energy that represent ourselves, and the entire pattern (universal mind) in which we are embedded. Concerning the validity of Benedicts testimony, P.M.H. Brendan Fraser recalls near-death experience on The Mummy set after 'joining Mel Gibson club' 'Thanks, I think?' actor said after almost suffering same fate as 'Braveheart' star We are legendary dreamers. In one passage, he wrote; A Light shone. #Benidorm #BenidormITV #BritishComedyFollow the official Benidorm Facebook Page to AllBrit - the home of iconic British Come. They come and they go, they change. It is childlike. She heard a loud clunk, ran in and found me on the floor. A deer is pretty much going to be a deer forever. He was called to revive a young girl who nearly died in a community swimming pool. I really wanted to know what the universe is about, and I was ready to go at that time. Look here for God. I felt and heard a series of very soft sonic booms. Beyond Death Near Death Experience (NDE) Stories on Apple Podcasts. his NDE, in holographic detail, Earths past and a beautiful When I realized this I was finished with the Void, and wanted to return to this creation, or Yuga. I had conversations with the Light. "This body, that you are in, has been Dr. Janice Holden of International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS) says of Benedict: Mellen-Thomas, under hypnosis, was able to give accurate information about and draw the genetic makeup of a rare neuromuscular disease. I would like to talk to you before I go. She remembered who I was from the night before, he tells me. The biblical I am really has a question mark after it. Morse has researched many stories which clearly document that there is a paradoxical return of consciousness to the brain, at the point of death. He concluded that the fact that different people in different countries can recall similar images seen by them during dying or resuscitation does not prove life after death. So its reasonable to ask whether our consciousness in some way can separate from the biological functions of the brain when brain activity dramatically slows or stops.. She had had no heart beat for 19 minutes, yet completely recovered. An atom. I wish that all religions would realize it and let each other be. in 1982 Mellen-Thomas Benedict died and for an hour We are part of the same soul fractaling out in many creative directions, but still the same. He had no idea he would revolutionize the field of consciousness studies by providing experimental proof that NDEs are real. I saw the Christian heaven. Atwater. They have no way, as of yet, to measure infinity accurately. Or, are they the result of brain dysfunction creating a hallucination triggered by the biological stresses of dying, drugs, and a lack of oxygen to the brain? I passed through the center of our galaxy, which is a black hole. From what I have seen, I would be happy to be an atom in this universe. Benedicts enthusiastic curiosity during his NDE took him far into the remote depths of existence and even beyond into the energetic void of nothingness behind the Big Bang. For example, we can place hidden targets in hospital rooms where people are likely to have cardiac arrests, to see whether those who later claim to have left their bodies can describe those targets., In everyday life, our brain plays a very necessary role in our thoughts, feelings and perceptions. It is never again going to be as wild a place as it once was. This memory is usually perceived the same way by all who tap into it, explaining why there is such consistency among ghost stories. It is important, because we are the caring beings. The body is the most magnificent light being there is. I saw many worlds. He has participated in studies of a major university where he contributed to understanding the structure of genes and chromosome coding for a genetic disease, while researchers puzzled over how he could have access to this information.. I stood at the annihilation point, a bright orange light. As I felt my mind transported back to my body, I thought, please let me remember this new theory of relativity. And that is very important to the rest of us in this Universe. >Email Request. He was voted by his peers as one of Americas Best Doctors in 1997-1998, 2001-2002, and 2005-2006. When he returned back from his near-death experience, his brain cancer went immediately into remission, where it continued until his death in 2017. Suddenly I was fully aware and I was standing up, but my body was in the bed. She is the host of the Mid Riff Comedy Show in Brooklyn, a frequent podcast guest all over, and lives the life of a teen who looks like they havent slept in years. What distorts people is a lack of love. Most experiencers sense in their NDEs that were all interconnected, like fingers on a hand, which leads to treating others with understanding and compassion.. All humans are connected as one being.. He brings back a message of hope and inspiration The light came to me and turned into a huge golden angel. Unexplained Phenomena". Near-death experiences have the power to become a cultural ice breaker with a resulting healing of our societal fear of death. I saw two tunnels in front of me, a human tunnel and an animal tunnel. Before that I was really judgmental. 136 episodes. The Light knew all about me, everything past, present and future. jQuery('').addClass('current-menu-item'); Now I look at every human being that I ever see, and I see a soul mate, my soul mate, the one I have always been looking for. The image of a rainbow in a noodle is so unique, it is unlikely to have its source in our cultural psychology. Benedict has discovered how living cells can respond very quickly to light stimulation resulting in, among other things, high speed healing. Beyond Death Near Death Experience (NDE) Stories - Apple So as I was moving toward the Light I said, Please wait a minute, just hold on a second here. Virtually all anecdotal research and many controlled scientific studies stress that there must be an interaction between the mind of the individual and the universal pattern or God and studies further suggest that this universal energy pattern can directly influence health. I was in the Eye of Creation. I remember waking up one morning at home about 4:30 am and I just knew that this was it. Amazing Video: New Foundation Saves Wasted Food by Hiring Homeless, Teen with Cancer Has Ultimate Wish to Meet Gordon Ramsay, Pup Joins Staff at Peace Arch and Surrey Memorial Hospitals Assisting with Trauma Victims, Gods Working Through People In This Video: This Administration May Not Be Doing Anything About the Border in Texas, but People Are, and Theyre Sharing the Glad Tidings While Doing It. One boy stated that Jesus had visited him in a big yellow school bus and told him he would die soon. We all have a higher Self, or an oversoul part of our being. She went into the other room. Frequently, dying is accompanied by visions of people we love. Near-Death Experiences | Psychology Today Photo Captures Angel at Horrific Accident Site, Amazing Rescue Dog Did This To Warn Woman She Had Cancer, The World and Even Christians Dont Look to Jesus for Masculinity but They Should Heres Why. I asked God: What is the best religion on the planet? He again used control groups, including children who nearly died but didnt have an NDE. The super clusters of galaxies with all their ancient wisdom flew by. My physician friends often ask me of what use is near-death research. Mellen-Thomas Benedicts NDE resulted in perhaps the greatest fundamental transformation of any near-death experiencer ever documented. As the Light revealed itself to me, I became aware that what I was really seeing was our Higher Self matrix. His research is providing dramatic new perspectives on how biological systems work. will zalatoris putter specs. That is possible because wherever you are is the center of the universe. Well, one day they are going to come down to the little thing that holds it all together, and they are going to have to call that God. She saw my confusion and then told me details about my conversation with her roommate, including seeing the stain on my tie.. All creation passed by me. In fact, the whole cosmos has been looking for the meaning of life, the meaning of it all. They were all very interesting, and gave hope that there was something on the other side. It was very loud, and it stuck in my head., Although prior to his near-death experience, Chris had little interest in music, since his near drowning, his mother bought him a keyboard and he has taught himself to play the heavenly music he heard.. In that instant I realized even more. Furthermore, if near-death experiences are real, then a entire class of currently trivialized spiritual visions such as after-death communications, shared dying experiences and premonitions of death are most likely also real. The only way I can really describe it is that the being of the higher Self is more like a conduit. All of a sudden you give up the ego, because you are not the only soul in the universe. Each has a different view. The information transferred to me was that your beliefs shape the kind of feedback you are getting before the Light. In 1982 I died from terminal cancer. He also has studied cases of shared dying visions and after-death communications. Dr. Jim Whinnery, of the National Warfare Institute, thought he was simply studying the effects of G forces on fighter pilots. I was astounded by this. There was this Light shining. The condition I had was inoperable, and any kind of chemotherapy they could give me would just have made me more of a vegetable. The little bitty human being of Earth/Gaia is legendary. This body, that you are in, has been alive forever. This podcast narrates near death experience stories that have been documented from those who claim they have crossed over and experienced life after death. Melvin Churchill "Mel" Harvey first appears in the second series as Madge's fianc. Two years later, his colleague, psychiatrist Raymond Moody, finally coined a term for what he observed that night, a Near-Death Experience, or NDE, in his book Life After Life. During an NDE, people report an intense feeling of peace and well-being, a sense of time slowing or stopping while your thoughts are faster and clearer than ever, Greyson details. But I got clear on all that. A portion of his near-death experience also appears in P.M.H. At first all the memory of the trip that I have now was not there. The Light kept changing into different figures, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, mandalas, archetypal images and signs. But when the human body undergoes extreme trauma and the heart stops, the lack of oxygen severely limits the activity of the organ. The Near-Death Experience of Mellen-Thomas Benedict January 31, 2012. One of the names given to him was Cleve Backster. After having his NDE, Benedict tracked him down. Black holes are the great processors or recyclers of the Universe. The Afterlife, Light Healing, Reincarnation (115 mins)3. Dr. Melvin Morse's Near-Death Experience Research They have got it down to quarks and charm, and all that. That is in itself part of the group consciousness called humanity. You always have. I could see nothing wrong with any human being I had ever seen. At exactly 2:15 am, while he was sleeping, he awoke to see his mother in law at the foot of his bed. How does that work? I knew that I would be reincarnated. So I determined that this was really just between me and God. Many modern scientists no longer believe in a randomly generated universe from some sort of primal dust. Visit Dr. Morses website ( for more on this subject. But each of the millions of souls around me had a little star of light always available. He was given knowledge about humanitys role in the Universe including a beautiful vision of humanitys future for the next 400 years. It, more than any religion or philosophy on earth, brought us together all of a sudden, to a new level of consciousness. of near-death research say about Mellen-Thomas: Your browser does not support the audio element. But again, at the same time, those people report that their thoughts are faster and clearer than ever, their feelings are more intense and their perceptions more vivid. suzuki sidekick for sale arizona. I have documented dozens of such stories, but they will not convince any skeptic of the reality of near-death experiences. While a Fellow for the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Morse was working in a clinic in Pocatello, Idaho. When I say that all my questions were answered on the other side, I mean to say just that. Par . Mel Nearly Dies - Benidorm - YouTube The Holiday makers are welcomed back to the solana by a near death experience, involving a swimming pool and an over confident Geoff Maltby. One night he saw Elizabeth Kubler-Ross on television describing to a grieving mother what her child went through when she died. Calzature-Donna-Soffice-Sogno. His Other limitations include that researchers cannot ethically stage near-death events on controlled samples, and when people are experiencing near-death events, theyre often unable to be examined to see whats happening to their brains and bodies during such seemingly supernatural events. But even then, each is a little bit different. Death is about life, not about heaven. Mellen is featured in Deepak's book, Life After depth of feeling and passion for life is a gift to be Posted at 18:52h in trading wisdom: 50 lessons every trader should know by shelden williams disability. Six months later, he had five shops, which he often spoke about; by the time of his wedding to second wife Madge in 2008, he was undergoing an offer by a multinational fitness club to buy him out. Finally, Dr. Morse studied the entire range of death related visions. Then I suddenly came back through the second Light, or the Big Bang, hearing several more velvet booms. During his NDE, Benedict was given the names of several people whose discoveries would one day be seen as on a par with those of Newton or Einstein. Later, Mick receives a phone call in which he is told that Mel is in hospital having taken ill with an unspecified illness. International Association for Near-Death Studies, Tickle Me Kaczynski: How the Inventor of the Ultimate Elmo Toy Became a Unabomber Suspect, Real Italians Put Hot Dogs and French Fries on Their Pizza, The Other Drug War: Inside the World of Counterfeit Viagra, The $65 Million Art Heist That Put Oceans Eleven to Shame. It expressed to me that it was my oversoul, my Higher Self matrix, a super-ancient part of ourselves. It is part of a larger thing. Then I died. Which one is right? And Godhead said, with great love: I dont care. That was incredible grace. Quotes from Skype with small groups. The Autograph May 19, 2020. Can we really use our minds to heal our bodies? One of my questions to the light was, What is heaven?. The Void itself is devoid of experience. He said and understood everything that happened to him, but simply perceived something we usually dont perceive at other times in our lives. For each and every one of us to be the human part of this experience is awesome, and magnificent. Their excellent book entitled The Near-Death Experience: A Reader, published by Routledge, New York, in 1996, is highly recommended by the webmaster. They also said a third miner who seemed real to them helped them to safety, but disappeared when they were rescued. But I ask the mind, What did your mother have to do with this?. Although more research needs to be done on the psychological mechanisms that may influence NDEs, Greyson and his colleagues are sure of one thing: A variety of studies have shown that they have nothing to do with mental illness or psychological disturbance., Rather, NDEs are normal responses to highly unusual circumstances. The clearing of the rain forest will slow down, and in fifty years there will be more trees on the planet than in a long time. When Godhead said, I dont care, I immediately understood that it is for us to care about. It is boring! In fact, this universe is Gods dream. Topics. Science of the Afterlife (48 mins)6. I realized that WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN SAVED, and we saved ourselves because we were designed to self-correct like the rest of Gods universe. I said, Oh, God, I did not know how beautiful we are. At any level, high or low, in whatever shape you are in, you are the most beautiful creation, you are. mel benidorm near death experience. h. Can people be taught to use abilities like remote viewing and telekinesis if they were asked to focus on them? Adults who had NDEs gave more money to charity than control subjects, volunteered in the community, were in helping professions, did not suffer from drug abuse, use many over-the-counter medications, and ate more fresh fruit and vegetables than control populations. The human soul, the human matrix that we all make together is absolutely fantastic, elegant, exotic, everything. There is more of the zero space in your own body and the Universe than anything else! mel benidorm near death experience - February 17, 2010. Certainly the information that Olaf gained during his NDE was real. None of these patients reported being conscious while dying or having a spiritual experience. Everything is the great Self. Lauren Vinopal is a writer and stand-up comedian based out of New York City, who writes mostly about health, science and men. We dreamed it up. So what we are doing is learning to hold hands, to come together. The American Journal of Psychiatry, in 1967, reported the experiences of two miners trapped for days in a mine. The stories that children have told him about what it is like to die have lessons for all of us, especially those attempting to understand the meaning of death or the death of a child. It is a blessing beyond our wildest estimation of what blessing can be. Atwaters book, Beyond the Light. It made her horrible grief perhaps a fraction more bearable. It was like a castle, not all broken down, just a regular castle. The authors analysis of more than fifteen thousand ghost stories convinces him that these are not spirits trapped between this world and another, but strong memories and perceptions that are actually embedded in the environment. With atomic colliders they are not only seeing what is in here, but they are creating particles. Cleve Backsters work is neither esoteric nor spiritual, but scientific. NDEs can occur in very young children, too little to have a fear of death to react to, infants who have no internal defense mechanisms against the concept of death. One of the things that we are legendary for is dreaming. I asked the Light, What is going on here? He compared them to 131 children who were also quite ill, in the intensive care unit, mechanically ventilated, treated with drugs such as morphine, Valium and anesthetic agents, and often had a lack of oxygen to the brain, BUT, they were not near-death. Just as God is not there. God is here. Posted 2022610 by 2022610 by I dont know how long I was with the Light, in human time. His vision of the future is one of hope. It is so full of energy, a different kind of energy that has created everything that we are. When I told my Mom about it, I told her it was a noodle, but it must have been a tunnel, because it had a rainbow in it. Individual identity is evolving like branches of a fractal; the group soul explores in our individuality. After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond, by Bruce Greyson, is out on 11 March (16.99). He studied 26 critically ill children and found that 24 of them reported being conscious while dying, and having some sort of conscious experience. It is in finding those connections that we find the secret to good health and a long life. Applying the rigors of science to the study of the spiritual, this intriguing book presents a provocative starting point for a new understanding of how the brain works, and concludes definitively that there is an unseen but not unreachable power that guides us all. After suffering from a terminal illness, experts: Read what these experts in the field Then the light opened up and formed a tunnel that came right to me an insulated me from all that fear and pain. I saw that each and every little piece of creation has the power to create. It made her anger at an irrational universe which would cause a child to die a fraction less, Her sons vision implied to her that he was going somewhere after death. This is what the second coming is about. It was an unimaginable wonder! Families have group souls. The Letter October 8, 2010. They had dreamlets as Dr. Whinnery calls them. He distills ten critical lessons based on his in-depth research into the transforming power of NDEs that can help us all become tuned to our God Spot. I had a seriously negative one. When Todd died after falling into a neighbors swimming pool, moments before he died, he came out of coma, looked at his Mom, and said the moon, the moon, I am on a rocket ship to the moon. She asked me if he was just having a hallucination. Benedict says in about 200 years Cleve Backster will be seen as a kind of saint to the Gaia-based spirituality which will dominate society at that time. By now, he is seen to get on with Madge's grandson Michael, but is still brisk and pompous with everyone else, seeing business opportunities everywhere - including on an island which had been declared a nature reserve. Yale University Pediatric Cancer specialist Dr. Diane Komp reports that many dying children have near-death experiences, without evidence of brain dysfunction. I was given a tour of all the heavens that have been created: the Nirvanas, the Happy Hunting Grounds, all of them. All of the fundamental particles in this universe have at least two counterparts which have been documented as being real. I turned toward it, and was aware of its similarity to what others have described in near-death experiences. Morse takes readers beyond theory to the practical matter of how this mysterious area of the brain can be made more accessible to us. So that is what was being fed back to me during my life after death experience. My descent into hell was a descent into each persons customized human misery, ignorance, and darkness of not-knowing. As Peter Russell might say, these problems are now soul size. Do we have soul size answers, YES! You have a chance to look at it and examine it, but most people do not. I saw that races are personality clusters. The entire experience halted. A typical dreamlet involved a pilot leaving his physical body and traveling to a sandy beach, where he looked directly up at the sun. I asked to see the rest of the Universe; beyond our solar system, beyond all human illusion. Mel Nearly Dies - Benidorm - YouTube Greyson broke the news to the patients roommate in the waiting room, while removing his coat in the sweltering summer heat, revealing the stain. I was not into any kind of spirituality at the time, but I began a journey into learning about spirituality and alternative healing. Near-Death Experiences While Drowning: Dying Is Not the End of Consciousness! Welcome To Shifa Al Sultan Quality matters the most when choosing your medical center. The PBS show Upon Reflection produced a half-hour episode devoted to Morse. Mel was not entirely successful as a businessman though - having almost fallen for a property development scam by con-man and thief Gary Snelling during Series 3. If you are into ecology, go for it; you are that part of the system that is becoming aware. German psychiatrist Michael Schroeter, in his extensive review of all published near-death research states there is no reason to believe that NDEs are the result of psychiatric pathology or brain dysfunction. The body is a universe of incredible light. The earths Wonder child (human beings) make an abundance of sound right now, like children playing in the backyard of the universe. The revelations coming from the Light seemed to go on and on, then I asked the Light, Does this mean that humankind will be saved? Then, like a trumpet blast with a shower of spiraling lights, the Great Light spoke, saying: Remember this and never forget; you save, redeem and heal yourself. | #Shorts | Benidorm | All Brit| All Brit @AllBritishComedy Subscribe 52 Dislike 2 Share Would You Fly To Paris For A Baguette? Drink of this manna water to your hearts content.. He then completed the Seattle Study, a long term follow-up of children who had an NDE and documented their transformation as adults. But there came a moment when I realized that all my questions had been answered and my return was near. First I went in the animal tunnel, and a bee gave me honey. So I said/felt, Please wait. Our solar system, as do all celestial bodies, generates a unique matrix of light, sound and vibratory energies. Then the Light said: You have a desire.. For more than fifteen years, Dr. Melvin Morse, a practicing pediatrician and renowned researcher, has studied the NDEs of hundreds of children. Seminar: Earth GAIA 101 (78 mins)2. It comes from an unending stream of life, going back to the Big Bang and beyond. Science demands verifiable evidence which can be reproduced again and again under experimental situations. experienced the cosmology of our souls connection to The Doctors Studying Life After Death - MEL Magazine Benedict continued detailing his experience with, perhaps, his most controversial claim that he was given special insight into the future, claiming that the Light (God) gave him a list of names of individuals that would change the course of humankind through their research, inventions, etc. Near-death experiences are not a denial of reality, as is often seen in drug or oxygen deprivation induced hallucinations. There is going to be a reformation in spirituality that is going to be just as dramatic as the Protestant Reformation. They often contain the seeds needed to heal grief and to understand death. But then I realized that, as the stream was expanding, my own consciousness was also expanding to take in everything in the Universe! I came back home, and I was given lessons from my near-death experience on the mechanics of reincarnation. For supporting this podcast, Subscribers will now get new content 30 days in advance of the public. It is all a blooming facet of the whole. After Mick works for him in Benidorm, he begins to get on better with him. Calling near-death experiences hallucinations implies that they are not real perceptions of another reality. Now I came to this with my negative view of what has happened on the planet.