(launches your MP3 player) ", How to Listen to Your Local Air Traffic Control, http://www.globalair.com/airport/state.aspx, http://www.smeter.net/spectrum/aviation.php, escuchar el control de trnsito areo local (ATC). Coverage Map KBDL 040651Z 06012KT 1 1/2SM -SN BR SCT007 BKN013 OVC036 01/M01 A2966 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 3 PRESFR SLP045 P0005 T00061011 15. (in browser, HTML5) Blue Skies Pilot Shop carries a wide range of aviation supplies including headsets, flight bags and more! The following frequencies came from the AirNav WEB site at: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/fly/cgi-bin/airport-info?ATL, UNICOM: 122.95 ATIS: 119.65(ARR) 125.55(DEP) ATLANTA GROUND: 121.75(RWYS 9L/27R & 9R/27L) 121.9(RWYS 8R/26L & 8L/26R) ATLANTA TOWER: 119.1(RWYS 9R/27L & 9L/27R) 119.5(RY 08R/26L & 08L/26R) ATLANTA APPROACH: 126.9(270-089) 127.9(090-269) 118.35(090-269) 127.25(270-089) ATLANTA DEPARTURE: 125.0(090-269) 125.7 (270-089) CLEARANCE DELIVERY: 121.65 PRE-TAXI CLEARANCE: 121.65 CLASS B: 119.3(E V97 & N V18) 119.8(S V18) 121.0(W V97 & N V18) EMERG: 121.5 IC: 127.9(090-269), by Ed Michels Fri, 18 Oct 1996 04:00:00. Video carrier. KTRK Airport Info (Airnav.com), ZKC (Tulsa RCAG) (Archives)Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, Feed Status: UP A lock ( LockA locked padlock ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. KHKY 040653Z VRB06KT 10SM CLR 16/05 A2959 RMK AO2 SLP004 T01560050 Atlanta Center borders five other Air Route Traffic Control Centers, including Houston Air Route Traffic Control Center, Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Center, Washington Air Route Traffic Control Center, Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center, and Memphis Air Route Traffic Control Center. (launches your MP3 player) Bad Behavior has blocked 497 access attempts in the last 7 days. It allows you to tune into ATC towers at over 1,000 airports around the world! LiveATC FAQ 2) but contain a great wealth of traffic as we provide sequencing to six adjacent ARTCCs and the Toronto FIR. KPIT Airport Info (Airnav.com), Cleveland Center (Sector 51 Palmer High): 121.075Cleveland Center (Sector 57 Brecksville High): 125.875Cleveland Center (Sector 64 Keystone Ultra High): 134.475, ZID Indy Center (Marietta RCAG) (Archives)Parkersburg, West Virginia, United States, Feed Status: UP KDBQ Airport Info (Airnav.com), Chicago Center (Sector 76 Arlington Hi FL330-360): 125.225, ZAU Sector 75 #1 (Archives)Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Chicago Center (Sector 75 COTON Hi FL240-320): 127.775, ZAU Sector 63 #1 (Archives)Dubuque, Iowa, United States, Chicago Center (Sector 63 Dubuque Low SFC to FL230): 133.950, ZDV Denver Center (Low) (Archives)Denver, Colorado, United States, Feed Status: UP (in browser, HTML5) KI35 Airport Info (Airnav.com), Harlan CTAF: 122.800Indy Center (Sector 21 London Low): 121.325Indy Center (Sector 21 London Low): 124.625Indy Center (Sector 25 AZQ Low): 126.575, ZDC Sectors 12/04 (Archives)Leesburg, Virginia, United States, Feed Status: UP (launches your MP3 player) KGVL Airport Info (Airnav.com), Atlanta Center (Sector 38 North Departure Low): 133.100, ZTL Atlanta Ctr (Sector 49 LOGEN) #1 (Archives)Atlanta, Georgia, United States, Atlanta Center (Sector 49 LOGEN Low): 121.350, KHDC De/Gnd/Twr/App/ZHU (Archives)Hammond, Louisiana, United States, Feed Status: UP (launches your MP3 player) . KALB 040651Z 08006KT 1/2SM R01/3500VP6000FT SN BR VV006 01/M01 A2963 RMK AO2 SLP037 SNINCR 1/6 P0016 T00061006 (in browser, HTML5) General Commercial Frequencies 118.000 - 121.950 Air Traffic Control (See AirNav) 121.975 - 123.650 Unicom, multicom, Flight Services, Traffic Advisory (CTAF) at uncontrolled airports 123.675 - 128.800 Air Traffic Control (See AirNav) 128.825 - 132.000 Company Airlines Operational Control 132.025 - 136.475 Air Traffic Control (See AirNav) (in browser, HTML5) France Info Live in Atlanta - Ecoutez France info Atlanta. X-Plane 11 the freqencies that X-Plane's ATC centers use is coded into the <X-Plane 11>\Resources\default scenery\default atc\Earth nav data\atc.dat file. (in browser, HTML5) PADQ Airport Info (Airnav.com), Anchorage Center (Kodiak RCAG, Low Sector): 125.100Kodiak Ground: 121.900Kodiak Tower: 119.800, Anchorage Center (PAFA Area) (Archives)Fairbanks, Alaska, United States, Feed Status: UP The ARTCC facilities use computer displays extensively to provide real-time information to the controller. KCVG - Tower/Ground - Cincinnati / Northern KY. KCVG Approach -Cincinnati / Northern KY. KDEN -Denver International. 131.8500 Hartsfield Airport ramp #2 Delta company freq. Most scanners pick up the entirety of the aircraft band. (launches your MP3 player) In 2019, air traffic controllers at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the world's busiest airport, directed 909,431 flights . Frequencies Grouped All New/Updated Show Repeater Inputs Alabama RCAG Sites Anniston, AL - RCAG Birmingham, AL - RCAG Gadsden, AL - RCAG Huntsville, AL - RCAG KFAT 040653Z 10004KT 10SM SCT200 09/06 A2997 RMK AO2 SLP148 T00940056 (in browser, HTML5) Retrieved from. (launches your MP3 player) atlanta center atc frequencies. HF Oceanic Feeds (2010, April 28). Pilots pronounce it niner so it cant be easily confused with other words or numbers, like five.. (in browser, HTML5) KLGA 040651Z 08018G31KT 3SM +RA OVC013 06/03 A2942 RMK AO2 PK WND 10036/0609 TSE30 SLP962 P0025 T00610033 (Mobile browser) (launches your MP3 player) Upper edge. Very Hot Topic (More than 25 replies). (launches your MP3 player) (in browser, HTML5) If you think you're given a frequency above or below those numbers, there is a mistake. PAFA 040653Z 00000KT 10SM FEW055 M29/M31 A3047 RMK AO2 SLP339 T12891311 To listen to your local air traffic control, youll need to obtain a radio scanner thats capable of receiving frequencies between 118.0 and 136.975 MHz. KPSP 040653Z AUTO 32004KT 10SM CLR 12/05 A2995 RMK AO2 SLP144 T01220050 also understood a bit of pilot lingo, and pretended to be pilots all day. If you are close to an airport, you can hear the ATC and the pilots. RF/Microwave Circuit Design. Complete aeronautical information about Hartsfield - Jackson Atlanta International Airport (Atlanta, GA, USA), including location, runways, taxiways, navaids, radio . ATC Audio Archives (launches your MP3 player) (in browser, HTML5) (launches your MP3 player) Some are high altitude only (such as above FL280), and some go from the low teens all the way up to the highest cruising altitudes. KHUF 040653Z A2982 RMK AO2 SLPNO $ (in browser, HTML5) In the legend section above, the CTAF frequency is also the CT or Control Tower. KPHX 040651Z 08005KT 10SM CLR 11/04 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP134 T01060039 401720061 205-921-5556. Live: Atlanta Airport Air Traffic Control Retiring Channel (WIP) 396 subscribers Subscribe 7.9K views Streamed 4 years ago Your listening to live ATC audio for ATL's Tower, Ground, & Approach. KFWA Airport Info (Airnav.com), Chicago Center (Sector 37 Wolf Lake Low SFC to FL230): 119.850, ZAU Sector 36 (Archives)Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States, Chicago Center (Sector 36 Fort Wayne Hi FL240-340): 124.825, ZAU Sector 33 (Archives)Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States, Chicago Center (Sector 33 BURBN Super Hi FL350/above): 126.325, KFYV Gnd/Twr/App/ZME (Archives)Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States, Feed Status: UP Then, go on sites like skyvector.com to find an aeronautical sectional chart of your local area. KCMH Airport Info (Airnav.com), Indianapolis Center (Sector 78 Springfield Int/High): 135.800, Seattle Center (Sector 8)Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-03-04 07:00:21 UTCKCOE 040656Z AUTO 17009KT 10SM BKN047 OVC060 00/M06 A2977 RMK AO2 SLP118 T00001056 FZRANO PNO $ (in browser, HTML5) What is the purpose of Okta? (in browser, HTML5) KVLD Airport Info (Airnav.com), Jacksonville Center (Live Oak MOA): 254.275Jacksonville Center (Moody 1 MOA): 375.825Jacksonville Center (Moody MOA): 281.400Jacksonville Center (Sector 17 Perry High): 135.625Jacksonville Center (Sector 79 Baxly Low): 133.700Jacksonville Center (Sector 79 Baxly Low): 322.550Jacksonville Center (Sector 79 Baxly Low): 323.300Valdosta Approach/Departure: 126.600Valdosta Ground: 121.700Valdosta Tower: 120.900, KVRB App/ZMA (Archives)Vero Beach, Florida, United States, Feed Status: UP Audio carrier. (in browser, HTML5) Login with username, password and session length. NAS Status KOTM Airport Info (Airnav.com), Cedar Rapids Approach: 134.050Cedar Rapids Approach: 119.700Cedar Rapids Clearance Delivery: 125.450Cedar Rapids Tower: 118.700Cedar Rapids UNICOM: 122.950Chicago Center: 118.150Chicago Center (Sector 55 Burlington Low): 135.600Chicago Center (Sector 56 Ottumwa Low SFC to FL230): 132.800Chicago Center (Sector 74 FARMM Low): 133.350Chicago Center (Sector 91 Hanna City Super Hi): 134.325Des Moines Approach: 135.200Des Moines Approach: 123.900Des Moines Approach: 118.600Des Moines Tower: 118.300Emergency/Guard: 121.500Kansas City Center: 132.600KIRK Kirksville, MO CTAF: 122.800Minneapolis Center: 118.825Minneapolis Center (Sector 27 Low): 125.650Minneapolis Center (Sector 30 High): 135.775Ottumwa CTAF/UNICOM: 123.000, ZOB Sector 21 Windsor LowCleveland, Ohio, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-01-05 22:37:05 UTCKPCW 040635Z AUTO 32017G29KT 10SM OVC014 02/02 A2941 RMK AO2 KMDT 040628Z 07004KT 10SM BKN011 OVC028 06/04 A2928 RMK AO2 RAE00 P0000 T00560039 (in browser, HTML5) Offer LiveATC feed Here in SoCal there is one number (800-448-3724) that is good for the entire area, whether it's an uncontrolled airport or the tower has closed. (launches your MP3 player) KCIC 040635Z AUTO 12011KT 10SM FEW035 SCT044 SCT050 11/03 A2988 RMK AO1 PHKO 040654Z 05006KT 10SM CLR 22/17 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP137 T02220167 $ (in browser, HTML5) (in browser, HTML5) KFMH Airport Info (Airnav.com), ZNY JOBOC Sector (Archives)Falmouth, Massachusetts, United States, New York Center (High Oceanic/JOBOC): 125.925, ZOB Sector 12 (Archives)Flint, Michigan, United States, Feed Status: UP We offer aviation supplies to meet a variety of needs. The penalties are severe! (launches your MP3 player) (in browser, HTML5) (in browser, HTML5) KSBP 040656Z 10003KT 10SM CLR 06/05 A2997 RMK AO2 SLP148 T00610050 (launches your MP3 player) [1] It is located at 299 Woolsey Rd, Hampton, Georgia, United States.[2]. (launches your MP3 player) KSAV 040653Z AUTO 23011G20KT 10SM SCT029 BKN043 24/18 A2969 RMK AO2 SLP055 T02440183 (launches your MP3 player) KVRB Airport Info (Airnav.com), Miami Center (Sector 03 BAIRN Low): 132.250Miami Center (Sector 04 Low): 135.700Miami Center (Sector 23 STOOP Low): 126.950Miami Center (Sector 65 BOYEL High): 125.075, ZID Sector 30 Columbus Low (Archives)Zanesville, Ohio, United States, Feed Status: UP The RF Explorer series of analyzers and generators re-defines the. PAHO Airport Info (Airnav.com), ZAN Anchorage Ctr (Homer/High) (Archives)Homer, Alaska, United States, Anchorage Center (Homer, High): 133.800Anchorage Center (Sector 63/69): 134.550Anchorage Center (Sector 63/69): 133.050Anchorage Center (Sector 63/69): 127.500Anchorage Center (Sector 63/69): 127.600Anchorage Center (Sector 63/69): 133.800Anchorage Center (Sector 63/69): 125.950Anchorage Center (Sector 68): 127.300Anchorage Center (Sector 68): 120.550Anchorage Center (Sector 68): 124.050, PASC CTAF/Unicom/AFIS/AppDeadhorse, Alaska, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2022-10-31 17:55:23 UTCPASC 040653Z 22008KT 10SM CLR M37/ A3045 RMK AO2 SLP317 T1372 Started by Blanding. KBJI 040635Z AUTO 24004KT 10SM CLR M05/M06 A2968 RMK AO2 T10521056 (launches your MP3 player) (launches your MP3 player) (in browser, HTML5) The current list of FIRs and ACCs is maintained by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). KHRO 040653Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR 03/02 A2986 RMK AO2 SLP116 T00280022 Learn more Air traffic control (ATC) is responsible for providing crucial information to pilots around busy airports. (in browser, HTML5) (in browser, HTML5) GMRS repeaters 122.0000 Flight Service Sta. (in browser, HTML5) Once you take off you will get told to contact a Centre if online, if not you get told to monitor unicom on 122.800. KFMH Airport Info (Airnav.com), ZBW Cape Sector (Archives)Falmouth, Massachusetts, United States, Feed Status: UP KTUS 040653Z 16004KT 10SM CLR 06/01 A2998 RMK AO2 SLP143 T00610011 401560011 KSGF Airport Info (Airnav.com), Kansas City Center (Sector 28 Springfield High): 133.475, ZMA Miami Center (07/08/25) (Archives)Sarasota/Bradenton, Florida, United States, Feed Status: UP (launches your MP3 player) Within each ARTCC are defined geographical Areas, each of which contains about six to nine sectors. KCDC Airport Info (Airnav.com), Los Angeles Center (Sector 07 Las Vegas Low): 124.200, ZLA Sector 32 (Archives)Cedar City, Utah, United States, Los Angeles Center (Sector 32 Super High): 135.550, ZLA Sector 32/33 (Archives)Cedar City, Utah, United States, Los Angeles Center (Sector 32 Super High): 135.550Los Angeles Center (Sector 33 High): 135.250, ZLA Sector 33 (Archives)Cedar City, Utah, United States, Los Angeles Center (Sector 33 High): 135.250, ZLA Sector 36 (Archives)Cedar City, Utah, United States, Los Angeles Center (Sector 36 High): 127.350, ZLC Sector 44 (Archives)Cedar City, Utah, United States, Salt Lake Center (Sector 44 Low): 125.575, KCEZ CTAF/ZDVCortez, Colorado, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-03-04 07:01:04 UTCKCEZ 040653Z AUTO 05005KT 10SM CLR M03/M05 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP136 T10331050 400611072 (in browser, HTML5) KGSO Airport Info (Airnav.com), Atlanta Center (Sector 29 LEEON/Low): 128.800, ZTL Sector 29/33 (Archives)Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, Atlanta Center (Sector 29 LEEON/Low): 128.800Atlanta Center (Sector 33 Charlotte/High): 124.425, ZTL Sector 33 (Archives)Greensboro, North Carolina, United States, Atlanta Center (Sector 33 Charlotte/High): 124.425, ZTL Atlanta Ctr (Sector 38 N Dep) (Archives)Atlanta, Georgia, United States, Feed Status: UP BMT D doublescan Member Joined Aug 23, 2011 Messages 118 KILM Airport Info (Airnav.com), Emergency/Guard: 121.500Washington Center (Sector 35 Wilmington High): 269.150Washington Center (Sector 35 Wilmington High): 124.025Wilmington Approach: 317.425Wilmington Approach: 284.650Wilmington Approach: 135.750Wilmington Approach: 118.250Wilmington Ground: 121.900Wilmington Ground: 348.600Wilmington Tower: 239.300Wilmington Tower: 119.900, ZID Indy Center (Shelbyville) (Archives)Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, Feed Status: UP KIND 040654Z 30013KT 10SM BKN012 02/00 A2976 RMK AO2 SLP082 T00220000 $ 5. need frequ 4 ATLANTA, GA AND West Palm Beach,fl airports!! (launches your MP3 player) The primary responsibility of Atlanta Center is sequencing and separation of over-flights, arrivals, and departures in order to provide safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of aircraft. (launches your MP3 player) Manchester ATC Frequencies Manchester Delivery: 121.700 (0630-2200) Manchester Ground: 121.850 (0630-2200) 121.700 (2200-0630) Manchester Tower: 118.625 (23R/05L - Runway 1) 119.400 (23L/05R - Runway 2) Scottish Control: 134.425 (Stafa Sector) 128.050 (Wallasey Sector) 133.800 (East Sector) 118.775 119.525 128.675 133.050 136.575 to Delta. KPCW Airport Info (Airnav.com), Cleveland Center (Windsor Low Sector 21): 132.450, ZOB Sector 40 Carlton LowCleveland, Ohio, United States, Cleveland Center (Carlton Low Sector 40): 127.900, ZOB Sector 47 Bluffton HiCleveland, Ohio, United States, Cleveland Center (Bluffton High Sector 47): 119.325, ZOB Sector 48 Ravenna HiCleveland, Ohio, United States, Cleveland Center (Ravenna High Sector 48): 119.875, ZSE Seattle Center (PDX Area) (Archives)Portland, Oregon, United States, Feed Status: UP If that fails hit up 121.5 and say position and ask for a freq. (launches your MP3 player) KDLH Airport Info (Airnav.com), ANG Command Post: 139.900Minneapolis Center Sector 25 (Low/High): 127.900Minneapolis Center Sector 25 (Low/High): 134.550Minneapolis Center Sector 25 (Low/High): 281.450Minneapolis Center Sector 25 (Low/High): 290.500PTD/ANG Command Post The role of the ATCSCC is to manage this flow of air traffic within the continental United States. the airport. KGJT 040653Z AUTO 14003KT 10SM CLR M01/M03 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP144 T10111028 400441022 Started by ORDATC2020. It allows the visualization of electromagnetic fields. (launches your MP3 player) (in browser, HTML5) KLGA Airport Info (Airnav.com), New York Center (Sector 86 Atlantic): 121.125, ZNY New York Center Sector 8 (Archives)Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States, Feed Status: UP (launches your MP3 player) Some "scanners" are actually "transceivers," which allow two way communication. KIND Airport Info (Airnav.com), Indianapolis Center (Sector 34 Shelbyville Low): 119.550, ZID Indy Center (Muncie) (Archives)Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, Indianapolis Center (Sector 33 Muncie Low): 124.525, ZID Indy Center (Rushville) (Archives)Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, Indianapolis Center (Sector 75 Rushville Int/Hi): 125.125, ZID Indy Center (Wabash) (Archives)Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, Indianapolis Center (Sector 99 Wabash Ultra Hi): 132.775, ZID Indy Center (Indianapolis) (Archives)Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, Indianapolis Center (Sector 89 Indianapolis Int/Hi): 133.425, ZLA Sector 16 (Low/High) (Archives)Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, Feed Status: UP PAFA Airport Info (Airnav.com), Anchorage Center: 120.900Anchorage Center: 135.300Anchorage Center: 135.600, ZAN Anchorage Ctr (Homer/Low) (Archives)Homer, Alaska, United States, Feed Status: UP (launches your MP3 player) (in browser, HTML5) We. ATC includes two full service office buildings which are each two stories. KOFF 040655Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR 01/M03 A2983 RMK AO2 SLP111 T00141031 PWINO PNO FZRANO TSNO $ KMKG 040655Z AUTO 29003KT 10SM CLR 01/M04 A2968 RMK AO2 SLP058 T00111044 $ (in browser, HTML5) By (in browser, HTML5) CFIN Notebook- Air Route Traffic Control Center; FAA - En Route Automation Modernization (ERAM), , . KCYS 040653Z AUTO 29009KT 10SM CLR M05/M13 A2981 RMK AO2 SLP107 T10501128 400561050 The Air Route Traffic Control Centers are further divided into sectors, each with it's own name that you can find in the Airport Facility Directory. ZTL overlies or abuts many approach control facilities (including Atlanta, Charlotte, Greensboro, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Birmingham, Alabama approaches). Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve, The word nine can be difficult to hear properly over a muffled radio connection. KRNO Airport Info (Airnav.com), Emergency/Guard: 121.500NORCAL Approach (Reno North): 126.300NORCAL Approach (Reno South): 119.200Oakland Center (Zone 45, Lo): 128.800Reno Clearance Delivery: 124.900Reno Ground: 121.900Reno Tower: 118.700, ZAB Sector 23Roswell, New Mexico, United States, Feed Status: DOWNOffline since: 2023-02-28 00:57:05 UTCKROW 040651Z AUTO 30010KT 10SM CLR 09/M09 A2979 RMK AO2 SLP049 T00941089 402111011 If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. LiveATC on iPhone Here is a list of the HF aviation frequency bands: 2850- 3155 kHz 3400- 3500 kHz 4650- 4750 kHz 5450- 5730 kHz 6525- 6765 kHz 8815- 9040 kHz 10005-10100 kHz 11175-11400 kHz 13200-13360 kHz 15010-15100 kHz 17900-18030 kHz 20005-21000 kHz 21850-22000 kHz 22720-24890 kHz MWARA maps with frequency lists by HFunderground (in browser, HTML5) (in browser, HTML5) KTVC 040653Z AUTO 34003KT 10SM CLR 00/M04 A2965 RMK AO2 SLP046 T00001039 Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. Arrival Demand, ZNY Sectors 39/55 (Parke/Yardley) (Archives)Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States, Feed Status: UP (launches your MP3 player) PHKO Airport Info (Airnav.com), HCF Center (Hamakua Sector): 126.600HCF Center (Northeast Sector): 127.600, HCF Center (W/NW/Oceanic) (Archives)Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, Feed Status: UP No coverage in your area? A locked padlock) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. Atlanta Center is the busiest air traffic control facility in the world. PADQ 040653Z 30017G32KT 270V330 10SM CLR M06/M15 A3013 RMK AO2 PK WND 29044/0613 SLP205 T10561150 KCEZ Airport Info (Airnav.com), Cortez CTAF: 122.800Denver Center (Sector 36 Farmington Low): 118.575Emergency/Guard: 121.500, ZDC Sector 2 (Archives)Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, Feed Status: UP KPDX Airport Info (Airnav.com), Seattle Center (Sector 02 Low/Hi): 128.300Seattle Center (Sector 04 Low): 124.200Seattle Center (Sector 05 Low): 128.150Seattle Center (Sector 06 Low): 125.800Seattle Center (Sector 32 Low/Hi): 126.600Seattle Center (Sector 34 Low): 119.650, ZAB Sector 38 (Miami Low) (Archives)Phoenix, Arizona, United States, Feed Status: UP KALB Airport Info (Airnav.com), ZBW Boston Center (ATH38/NY Site) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, Boston Center (ATHENS 38 sector): 135.325, ZBW Boston Center (CAM39) (Archives)Boston, Massachusetts, United States, KARG CTAF/Memphis Center (Archives)Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, United States, Feed Status: UP (launches your MP3 player) (launches your MP3 player) KHUL 040653Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR M17/M19 A2994 RMK AO2 SLP148 T11721194 If you've got nothing better to do on one night, visit LiveATC.net, where anyone with a computer or smartphone and a passing interest in aviation can listen to control towers live, worldwide, and in full action. (launches your MP3 player) KBJI Airport Info (Airnav.com), Bemidji CTAF: 122.800Minneapolis Center (Sector 25 Low/High): 134.750, KNEL/KWRI/ZNY (Archives)Lakehurst, New Jersey, United States, Feed Status: UP . Atlanta ARTCC (ZTL) Sector Stratification: Ultra-Low: SFC-10,000; Low: SFC (or 10,000 where Ultra Low Sectors are used) to FL230; High: FL240-FL330; Ultra-High: FL340 and Abv. (in browser, HTML5) Started by MIAMIATC. Australia ATC Frequency chart . KRIC 040654Z 21014G23KT 10SM FEW050 SCT300 15/13 A2933 RMK AO2 SLP937 T01500128 Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. KFYV Airport Info (Airnav.com), Drake Ground: 121.800Drake Tower: 128.000Jonesboro Flight Service Station (FSS): 122.300Memphis Center (High): 132.550Memphis Center (High): 353.800Razorback Approach: 121.000, KGJT Gnd/Twr/App/ZDV (Archives)Grand Junction, Colorado, United States, Feed Status: UP KZZV Airport Info (Airnav.com), Indy Center Sector 30 Columbus Low: 124.450, ZID Sector 77 University High (Archives)Zanesville, Ohio, United States, Indy Center Sector 77 University High: 125.075, ZID Sector 87 Appleton High (Archives)Zanesville, Ohio, United States, Indy Center Sector 87 Appleton High: 132.825, ZID Sector 97 Lockbourne UH (Archives)Zanesville, Ohio, United States, Indy Center Sector 97 Lockbourne Ultra-High: 133.775, ZID Sectors 87/87 (Archives)Zanesville, Ohio, United States, Indy Center Sector 87 Appleton High: 132.825Indy Center Sector 97 Lockbourne Ultra-High: 133.775, ZID Sector 30/77/87/97 (UHF) (Archives)Zanesville, Ohio, United States, Indy Center (Sector 30 Columbus Low ): 291.100Indy Center (Sector 77 University Hi): 353.525Indy Center (Sector 87 Appleton Hi): 360.675Indy Center (Sector 97 Lockbourne Ultra Hi): 363.025, ZOA Sector 29 High (Archives)Oakdale, California, United States, Feed Status: UP 866.835.5322 (866-TELL-FAA)Contact Us, Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities (TRACON), United States Department of Transportation, Aviation Safety Draft Documents Open for Comment, Airport Coronavirus Response Grant Program, Legislation & Policies, Regulations & Guidance, Certificated Remote Pilots including Commercial Operators, Recreational Flyers & Modeler Community-Based Organizations, Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC), Air Traffic Control Facilities and Engineering Services, Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). HF Oceanic Feeds KDLH 040555Z 30008KT 7SM FEW030 SCT120 M03/M06 A2964 RMK AO2 SLP060 T10281056 10011 21044 400281067 53020 Yes. Gliders and hot air balloons share 123.3 and 123.5 MHz. PABE Airport Info (Airnav.com), Anchorage Center (High): 127.500Anchorage Center (Low): 125.200, PADQ Gnd/Twr/ZAN (Archives)Kodiak, Alaska, United States, Feed Status: UP (launches your MP3 player) 1) What is the order of airspace, starting from the surface, at Huntington Pier? (in browser, HTML5) (in browser, HTML5) (in browser, HTML5) (launches your MP3 player) GSA monitors freq ? Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. (in browser, HTML5) KHUF Airport Info (Airnav.com), Hulman Approach: 125.450Hulman Ground/Clearance: 121.600Hulman Tower: 134.725Indianapolis Center (Sector 35 Terre Haute Low): 132.200Indianapolis Center (Sector 80 King High): 134.175, ZID Indy Center (King) (Archives)Terre Haute, Indiana, United States, Indianapolis Center (Sector 80, King High): 134.175, ZID Indy Center (Terre Haute) (Archives)Terre Haute, Indiana, United States, Indianapolis Center (Sector 35, Terre Haute Low): 132.200, KHUL/KPQI/ZBW01/15 (Archives)Houlton, Maine, United States, Feed Status: UP An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. KHDC 040635Z AUTO 00000KT 10SM CLR 13/10 A2983 RMK AO2 T01330095 Control begins at 1,200' Above Ground Level ( AGL) on airways Most IFR traffic is under direct ARTCC radio control, or works through an FSS which relays information to or from the ARTCC All traffic in Class Alpha airspace which starts at 18,000' MSL, is under Center's direct control Frequency Change: (in browser, HTML5) KHRO Airport Info (Airnav.com), Boone County CTAF: 123.000Jonesboro FSS: 122.450Jonesboro FSS: 255.400KBBG Tower (aircraft only): 128.150Memphis Center (Low): 126.850Memphis Center (Low): 281.550Memphis Center (Ultra-High): 133.025Memphis Center (Ultra-High): 284.750Springfield Approach (aircraft only): 126.350, KHUF Gnd/Twr/App (Archives)Terre Haute, Indiana, United States, Feed Status: UP Communications between private, fixed-wing aircraft, there is just one authorized frequency: 122.75 MHz. Started by milguy11. (launches your MP3 player) (in browser, HTML5) terebinth tree symbolism; hp pavilion 27xi won't turn on; the calypso resort and towers; scarlet spider identity; am i having a heart attack female quiz; upload music to radio stations; que significa dormir con las piernas flexionadas hacia arriba; based on data from the Storm Prediction Center. Lower edge. The Virtual Atlanta ARTCC (vZTL) is a community of flight simulation enthusiasts providing air traffic control services on the VATSIM network. need frequ 4 ATLANTA, GA AND West Palm Beach,fl airports!! (launches your MP3 player) >I am going to Atlanta this weekend. Does anyone have frequencies for, Atlanta Airport Frequencies/Airline Frequencies, Atlanta traffic - Atlanta Media Freqs.txt (0/1), France Info Live in Atlanta - Ecoutez France info Atlanta. (in browser, HTML5) KGMU 040653Z AUTO 23004KT 10SM CLR 14/07 A2966 RMK AO2 SLP036 T01440072 KIAD 040652Z 27005KT 10SM FEW009 OVC020 05/04 A2931 RMK AO2 SLP925 T00500039 (launches your MP3 player) If there is some sort of emergency, pilots will transmit on it. KTUL 040653Z 16008KT 10SM CLR 07/04 A2985 RMK AO2 SLP107 T00670039 KPDX 040653Z 18012G19KT 10SM -RA BKN022 BKN033 OVC044 06/02 A2975 RMK AO2 SLP074 P0001 T00560017 (launches your MP3 player) I am particularly interested in airline > company frequencies, airinc, and hf frequencies in use to test the hf > radios of planes prior to departure. (in browser, HTML5) Memphis ARTCC KZME Sector/Frequency Charts, Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies, TURKISH HI-LOW CHART (ISTANBUL and ANKARA FIR), Washington (KZDC) ARTCC Border coordinates, MOVED: FMEE/FIMP Twr/App Airport: Roland Garros Airport DOWN. KRNO 040655Z 28008KT 10SM SCT140 BKN230 04/M13 A2979 RMK AO2 SLP079 T00391133 We are home to the smallest en-route facility by area, but effectively work a wealth of traffic from our variety of different fields in our airspace ranging from our more popular airports: Detroit (DTW), Cleveland (CLE), and Pittsburgh (PIT); to smaller fields such as Clarksburg (CKB .