I think in my case it is at least in part Saturn in the 7th house square my Mars and Sun in Gemini. However, you somewhat know this and prefer to be more emotionally unavailable, but this isnt the healthy way to deal with energy drains from environments / situations, prioritize yourself and your well-being. Do you have many accidents but escape unharmed? People tend to over dramatice Leo venuses but all they really need is a loyal lion by their side, who will occasionally put up with their tantrum. Mother may be very quick and intelligent but also may have a family who was very quick to snap back at things. I have a Capricorn Stellium (5 planets and NN.) im sorryy. They usually inspire & may others feel more confident. This could also be applied to north node in 12th. I have had a lot of problems with depression and with acne. Ive also noticed Water rising women tend to like / look good in in darker clothing, I think it makes their watery features stand out. Pluto in 4th individuals are more prone to having a haunted house or being witches / having witch heritages. The three major components of your natal chart are your sun sign, moon sign, and ascendant. Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 Venus is the sign of beauty, and the Ascendant & first house represent our physical appearance. Im convinced hugging a Taurus placement is everything youll ever need. Also, start getting more sleep / a healthy routine and start doing things for you and not for others. Youre sad and need validation? Exaltation: The planet rejoices in this sign. Of course if you don't have these placements it doesn't mean you cant develop these things, or they aren't latent in deeper aspects. If you wrong a Saturn in 10th placement your reputation will most likely be heavily affected. Earth risings just seem designed so carefully. for the longest time has been way too hard way too frequently for me to come by and keep even though Im conscientious and have great work principles. Gemini placements astrology creators may like to post astrology observations more than anything because it lets them express their thoughts without a responsibility of keeping order & track of what they are writing. Pluto in 10th may attract people who think they dont deserve their success. Scorpio risings with Aquarius in 4th did you feel like the odd one out in your family? As for more specifically, which ones, I don't know. Often misunderstood. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You have Ill deal with it way of going with things (. 5 Habits of Emotionally Strong People. Pisces placements growing up were most likely told their eyes were big or/and very pretty. Joe. Libra suns with water moons tend to be really sensitive especially on how people see them. 39) Mercury with Moon or Mars in any house gives very clever and innovative minds and positive outcomes from their effort. You easily feel the negatives of others & external sources and this can make you break-down often. Fire moons with Earth mars can quite loose control when they are provoked. Leo/Sun Symptoms: Humble to an unhealthy extent/low self-esteem, shy in groups, almost never leads, and has a timid vibe. Im a happy person, with a strong persona. (Check other placements). Libra sun Leo Venuses tend to have high standards but also tend to fall in love with anyone who gives them attention / some love. People with Mercury in 8th have their words as their ultimate weapon. you guys are known for being honest to a fault and very intuitive & emotionally intelligent to the point its get scary because you have the ability to see through everyones flaws with your natural psychic gifts (. Sun in 7th individuals are attracted to very confident rather proud individuals and they need this influence anyway, they tend to be insecure and rely on others for validation. Mercury in Aquarius individuals most likely like to let their thoughts out on the Internet and they tend to be outcasted in School. #1 What are some rare placements and what are some very uncommon placements?? Hi beautiful souls! Because of that I have learned how to take care of my delicate nerves and have probably avoided other mental illnesses because of what I now know. Mars in 3rd individuals could have a very competitive mind and may like having advantages. Cancer moon can dominate the natives physical appearance. (They are like home). Yea, I have an article on Fake out placements. a study was done on the rarest signs in the USA below is the % of each sign & the MTL common sign in the country. its simple.. worship them , leo venus x scorpio venus in a relationship just screams intense love but passionate . I call this a natural leader who may let you in their soft circle if youre worthy. People with Moon in 11th could have more of a best friend relationship with their mother. They may fall into very bad episodes themselves. They may have a hard time controlling their laughter in and have a contagious smile. 33) Sun or Moon with Saturn in 12th house give success in foreign land. Moon 3.13 conj. Check Me Out, DUDE. Mars in 2nd house, Mars in 6th, Mars in 10th. ) This is because their sister sign is Aquarius. They tend to have a mixed reputation. A lot of people look up to them as well. A lot like like poems and poetry. Example; Uranus in 1st may attract a lot of Aquarius energy or /and be confused as an Aquarius placement often. Leo placements may swear people are obsessive over them, yet they be flirting / loving anyone right away, theyre truly affectionate people and I love them for that but c'mon dont be surprised when people literally love you so much. You need to start surrounding yourself with better energies and people that put the effort because y'all put a LOT of effort into things once youre emotionally involved and can find yourself into one-sided situations quite often. These are the type of people to plan out things a while before it happens. Mercury is the planet of communicationit rules how we receive and interpret information, our thought process, and our communication style. I remember I was with this witch once she was scorpio rising and had Moon in 8th which are already psychic placements! You see the good side in things even though you shouldnt at times. And there were many other coincidences like these in my life where I was lucky. gemini venuses.. memes isnt a love language , sag moon / venus tells me once you find the one youll take them everywhere like a dog oh guess what honey I bought us tickets to canada.. were leaving tomorrow, saturn in 8th we get it you feel like no one appreciates your work when you put your whole soul into it, moon in 4th.. its okay to let go of your old childhood clothes.. the memories will stay with you, moon in 4th is like having old toys because it means something to you , aquarius venuses we get it you like giving your loved ones unique nicknames that only you know of, leo moons.. we get it your mother takes you shopping every day.. but you also have to hand in those assignments quick though, scorpio moons your friends dont hate you, taurus moon culture is not using your new car because you dont wanna ruin it, you want it to look pretty forever, taurus moons culture is either gatekeeping your money or spending it right away, moon in 4th / pisces moons.. WE GET IT.. youre the mother of the friend group and will protect their kids at all costs, scorpio moons we get it.. you love that black nail polish, mercury in 5th.. yall dont have to make your texts so aesthetic 24/7, mars in gemini.. WE GET IT you were the quickest typer in your class, and the only reason you win at arguments is because you type hella fast or speak hella fast.. you wont even let the other person say shit, scorpio placements.. yall say you are bad bitches but cant handle being wrong.. yall will bring up anything to win agaisnt somebody , gemini + scorpio in a chart if underdeveloped is a master manipulator. Uranus in 8th / 5th individuals may have quick random hookups. Sun in 11th individuals if the rest of the chart support this, they tend to be popular at some point in their life especially on the Internet. Venus in taurus tells me you settle once you get that security in someone and when they start acting up you find security in another person like you pack your bags and leave haha no bullshitt from this person. People with Chiron in 11th probably grew up with a lot of fake friends sure.. but since they heal from this wound later on / growing up they find true friends later who can heal them especially Online. Ive noticed a lot of Water risings like the color light blue. Venus or Jupiter on ANY angle makes for popularity. A lot of you guys have a hard time processing emotions because it doesnt fit your standards of what they should be. This is because the Sun likes being in Leo and Sun represents the ego. I have not had much experience with the Moon, though. You have the tendency too give too much love when you know you shouldnt because once you set yourself on something its very hard to bring you down because of that intense drive towards things you love, start shifting that to healthier things, you always know whats best deep down. Images: Veda Wildfire Venus entered Aries on April 28, and the planet of love's journey through this bold, assertive (and sometimes brash and selfish) warrior archetype is not always smooth. My eyes tear when I watch something sad on the news or hear music that strikes a chord in me. So many people have tried to dim your light, because youre quite literally the sun. like yall everywhereee too. As soon as I read your description of Mercury square Uranus, I became disappointed with this article. You have to see if they are REALLY in the 12th. 9.6% : scorpio 9.4% : virgo 9.3% : gemini9.1% : pisces 8.8% : libra 8.5% : cancer8.3% : taurus 8.2% : capricorn 8.1% : aries7.3% : sagittarius7.1% : leo6.3% : aquarius, source: http://www.lipstickalley.com/showthread.php/934832-Most-Common-to-Least-Common-Zodiac-Signs, so the least common sign in the USA is aquarius by far tbh, i guess it all has to do with the most/least common time people have unprotected sex , i also read somewhere in an astrology book the LEAST COMMOM ASCENDANT (time of birth) was pisces and aries , so the LEAST COMMON placements would be aquarius sun, aries/pisces rising (at least: in the USA), http://www.lipstickalley.com/showthread.php/934832-Most-Common-to-Least-Common-Zodiac-Signs. I have Moon, Saturn and Venus in the 12th Taurus, Your email address will not be published. Men with Venus and Jupiter favorable are especially attractive to women, especially the conjunction of course. Uranus in 1st / Aquarius risings individuals change a lot when it comes to how they express themselves, they may change their aesthetics a lot for example. I do charts for the people who want them. the11thhousemystic answered: a study was done on the rarest signs in the USA below is the % of each sign & the MTL common sign in the country. These natives take everything OH so personally. I have found out and listed out some points and peculiar combinations which result in some significant result. I also agree about Ascendant and Midheaven, these change constantly, anything aspecting the Asc and mc is special to that person alone. Start with your free birth chart. (Only some). If the 12th house planets are Conj. alone time is everything for a scorpio moon, Originally posted by tzuyuuyu-deactivated20210729. I shouldnt be feeling this way. Start prioritizing your needs and remember that your feelings are valid and start trusting those gut-feelings instead of rationalizing them. Pisces Ascendant is the only significant water in my chart (I am mostly fire and air). Some other placements can be harder, but it's a rare Venus that ever acts malefically. Sun- Ascendant do you guys have really good vision? While my childhood was pretty pleasant (Venus in the 3rd house), my mother became very abusive to me as a teen and I ran away from home. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, so you really are lucky there. I meant that it could be a TENDENCY. People with sun square moon may not have a good emotional connection with their father / figure. and do you look at the dwads? in fact in all together bad chart is just one of those charts so hard to deal with. If your north node is in any of these signs, it is a part of your journey and destiny to explore spirituality and honing your intuition during this lifetime. Aquarius placements have this praise energy. Color: Cardinal. The planetary configuration occurs in the sidereal zodiac used by Vedic astrologers and represents an outstandingly good time for souls to take a human birth! 37) Saturn in 10th house or 7th house in libra sign gives stable successful career with substantial wealth but there will be lot of struggle till 35 years of age. I always believed that having a Water rising will always tone down and make the natal chart more softer. 1st House. This is a way how! like it refills their energy a lot! They will show the sides of themselves that you yourself are hiding. This one fits my chart. You easily feel the negatives of others & external sources and this can make you break-down often. If one has an Aries moon in the 4th house it will be a little less bold and less aggressive, they may cry when expressing emotions for example. Especially Cancer Venuses they love cuddlinggg I cant stress this enough. Overall, Chiron in the Tenth House appears in natal charts as an indicator of a person's anxieties and fears of failure. Its aspects: Theyve could been made to focus a lot on heavy things rather than having fun. There were some freaky coincidences sometimes. If your natal Mercury is in either Cancer or Pisces, you were likely born with a hand up, and have a natural dialogue with your intuition. The main three placements within a birth chart are your Sun sign, Moon sign and rising sign, also known as your ascending sign. Whats the best time to look for a job (and sign)? People with Jupiter in 3rd may have an accent or / and speak a different language. like cute ones and some of them look like i stg, cancer mars women def love to dream abt getting dominated. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Rising - Juno positive aspects in synastry can make the Rising person see Juno as marriage material right away. The Ten Most Rocking( Best) Astrological Placements. They know so much more than they let off. I like it conj the SUn and ASC. Virgo Mars men may like complete domination over their partner in sex. Use your advanced ethics to the best of your ability and dont be so hard on yourself. (Will be making a post about this if people want it). Its almost like I can sniff out what a person is made of, Oh me too saturn conj mars in 12th house cancer with cancer asc and saturn conj asc :d. How close does the orb need to be with the asteroids to have an impact? Beautiful hair and the eyes are more bright with the Leo influence. They can somehow make you open up to them a lot. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I have this square and I definitely do have depression, anxiety and ADHD. Because they do 100%! , I am sorry, Lo. Often misunderstood. Moon 3.13 conj. Sagittarius moons naturally can be happy spirits, but a lot are prone to isolating themselves from the world to not burden anyone when upset. The conjunction will produce the strongest resultspsychic abilities are indicated, followed by the trine and then the sextile. Sun - Moon find it hard to hide their sadness unless other placements indicate otherwise their emotions shine right through. known for their charismatic sense of self and their internal and physical beauty. Earth placements over the 4th house, couldve grown up in a more nature like environment. People usually trust Jupiter dominants when it comes to knowledge & information. Low water is hard. Mercury in 12th individuals struggle to be heard and people tend to ignore them and what they have to say quite often. I also have moon square pluto and moon square mars. How close are these planets to the ASC, Kristi and I am sorry! You have a sixth sense and dont shy away from using it (unless other planets in your chart adversely aspect it). The way they have a forgiving heart, but that is just a part of them. Some also like baking! Yes, mars is conjunct your ASC. I shouldnt be feeling this way. Any insight on this predicament? 24) Moon-Mars together in any house or if they directly aspects each other from any house in horoscope indicates wealthy lifestyle with lot of property and native will be successful and rich from any business. Having a midheaven in Capricorn would make you pretty powerful, having your Pluto in Scorpio would be scary. Water Mars (Mars in 4th, Mars in 8th, Mars in 12th) do have a harder time with anger because Mars likes to do things fast and Water mars like to take things a little slower and have tendencies to drain themselves. They cant see their worth too easily but they praise love and positivity and cant let this part of them shown too easily, no one really knows them until they open up (Capricorn in 4th). Sagittarius risings & moons & gemini risings & gemini moons, People overlook the sign of the 7th house. Ive never more of an accepting person that a Moon in Pisces. extremely sneaky and quick.. no one can win agaisnt people with these in their chart.. no one, scorpio risings we get it.. you cling on to that one person once you trust them and wont let them go ever , cancer venuses. ITS NOT BEING USED AGAISNT U, aquarius mars yall are the type to say the weirdest yet most truthful thing in arguements, sagittarius moons, we GET it.. youd rather live / be somewhere all the time. What is it with the Gemini unfaithful stereotype? Same with Neptune in 11th but its your closests friends that try to be you. Aquarius risings / Uranus in 1st individuals have really nice taste in fashion, a lot are trendsetters! Mercury - Lilith especially hard aspects do you guys have weird intrusive thoughts and do you get them out of nowhere? (Check other placements), Women with Scorpio moons tend to be seen as intimidating and could also make them have very piercing eyes. Taurus placement women never really age, especially the Taurus Risings. Jupiter in 11th individuals tend to get random fame out of nowhere since Jupiter blows things out of proportions they may get popular / known for something random on the media or simply didnt expect it. Pluto - Ascendant individuals did/ do you guys ever feel like you were being watched? You can lose interest in your projects very quickly and are frequently bored. :**:, People with Taurus placements especially the Moon may very much love when their food is very well put together (pleasing to look at). This is also true for the other elements and houses. 22) Rahu-Moon Rahu-Mars in 4th house will give lot of property but troubled family life and mental health issues. Ex; Chiron in 1st individuals will always hype up everyone & boost everyones ego and confidence because they know how hard and bad it is to feel down and neglected. You are very hard-working when it comes to things that makes you emotionally full-filled. We would love to have you! They may travel for emotional connections as well. Moon- Neptune & Moon in 4th, Moon in 8th, Moon in 12th these individuals are super forgiving, perhaps to a fault, and they attract people who try to take advantage of them, those people however dont realize that these natives have very good intuition almost psychic like, they are not too confrontational but trust me they know, they can see your bull-shit. Theyve always been outlined in some sort and are always going through parts of self-discovery. 4. most of the planet in exaltion or rulership make someone special. But I make sure to only look during a waxing moon not in void of course. Yes, Jupiter is retrograde. Not really following your comment, my Friend. Taurus placements may like to whistle or sing out of nowhere for comfort. It also shows insights on how you handle anger. Later in life Saturn will reward for the hard work. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, when you place it in any house in the zodiac wheel, it increases your luck and fortune that is associated with that particular house. (Trine, sextile, conjuction, benefit most from this). No matter how hard you try to tell yourself it doesnt matter, you know negativity gets to you at times, you shut yourself down. Ex; Scorpio in 9th could be secretive about their roots & who they truly are & some of their beliefs & maybe stuff like their age. People with Cancer Moon / Rising tend to have people who confide in them easily. Make sure to put healthy structure and dont put routines that you cant handle because you guys are very much prone to over-working yourself because you guys have high hopes which is very admirable but it can go far and you guys could become pessimistic. They have since young seen vivid images of the future and may have experienced Deja Vu. A planet cazimi is elevated in power and status to a very high degree. My chart ruler is found in the 8th house. Libra placements especially the Moon are very artistic and creative people, they have very pleasing thoughts they could put into work and can be liked because of this. Capricorn placements as mother or fathers could be harsh on the child. The degree of your Mercury can give you further insights on how you organize your thoughts, for example having it in a libra degree could mean you need to organize and make sure your thoughts are more balanced . Also why are so gemini moons interested in astrology?? A lot of you have to learn how to be more direct like an Aries mars. Venus square Ascendant youre literally beautiful stop trying to change yourself.. you fit in. If it is within 3 degrees, I would count it. On Oct,27,1994 1,2,3,4 asteroids are all on their own or each other Helio nodes,, this is very rare configuration. Cancer placement men especially Mars may like the idea of impregnating their partner. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword, copy, do not claim as your own. Ive also noticed a lot of Capricorn moons prefer to have small amount of friends that they are at least emotional connected to, they are mostly introverted. Your email address will not be published. Earth risings are very intuitive (Water in 7th house) but they tend to ignore it, please dont. Leo placements love being the attention pull on parties! I have A LOT of problems with nervousness and anxiety, and I think this comes from a packed third house (venus and mercury in Aquarius, sun and moon in Pisces) and all the bad aspects to it, including the Saturn squares and all these planets opposed by Pluto. They couldve been told to study or a lot or advance things constantly. People dont forget them easily. Mars in 4th individuals should be aware of dealing with any fire in their home since its very possible for fire to start in their home / smoke. The short answer is that a stellium is a grouping of three or more planets under one particular zodiac sign within your natal chart. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. Literally everyone goes to a Cancer placement/ Moon in 4th individual when they need help. Karmic experiences with goals and inspirations; needs a solid ground on them. I do seem to have a hard time in groups, so much so that I completely avoid them and prefer to be on my own. Overthinking could cause problems. Your friends probably share similar degrees that you have. However, you somewhat know this and prefer to be more emotionally unavailable, but this isnt the healthy way to deal with energy drains from environments / situations, prioritize yourself and your well-being. Check up on them & be consistent as fuck & keep promises thats how youll get to their heart. 28) Rahu in 3rd house can make one celebrity in life provided Venus and Sun is strong in Horoscope. Natives with Pluto in 2nd could be falsely accused of making money in a wrong way or their self worth could be misinterpreted a lot. Pluto in 1st individuals tend to get accused of bad vibes a lot when its really just their intense energy. If your rising sign is in Cancer or Pisces, youre more sensitive by nature. Frederick Steinmann says so-called difficult placements are actually opportunities for greater awareness, acceptance, and transformation. Moon - Pluto are most likely to have very painful periods too but check the rest of the chart. Someone with Moon in water and Air venus can have the love language of words of affirmation. Hi beautiful souls! However I am very emotional and sentimental. 18) Rahu with Moon in 9th house or 5th house gives trouble in education and trouble in family life but fortune may rise from the age of 40. (Aries in 2nd). Also you guys are more prone to having a dirty mind. like every single part of their face was so perfect kind of like they were designed?? In a positive note, they are someone people follow because of their independence. Scorpio mercuries / 8th mercuries always amaze me. Posts: 629From: franceRegistered: Feb 2010. a lot had rlly thin lips as well, with a REALLY pretty slim nose, aquarius risings are the ceo of having really nice thick eyebrows!! You also have incredible work-ethic but you dont really stop and you tend to exhaust yourself and this could ruin things like sleep schedules because of your rest-less motivation. It isnt something I would wish on anyone. (Less fun and free-spirited). I know fire placements are given the reputation of being creative and shit they are, but air placements tend to be incredibly creative too but they may express it through writing the most. Mars in Cancer may get tired of sports easily or loose energy for them easily. As with a lot of the squares to Uranus, it. And your moon sign represents how you . Me gusta mehor Juanes and Elephante. Chiron in 3rd individuals tend to be incredibly misunderstood in communication, people may take their wording weirdly and miss underestimate a lot. These are two vital karmic placements in astrology. Mars - Pluto people NEVER stop what they wanna do and just keep working and working and working hard, it goes unseen that this is a workaholic placement.