If the error has not cleared then proper troubleshooting will be required. You will get much more visibility by. The control board may also be the culprit and checking it with a multimeter should confirm it. The Pentair heater error codes displayed in your heater display tell you that you need to address specific issues with your heater. You are using an out of date browser. whats up, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. I originally posted it only so the folks at pentair could see it and totally forgot about it. The method I always use is When your heaters ignition control module fails to fire up the heater, this error code will be on display. AFS stands for airflow switch. When a problem is diagnosed as a consequence of this examination, you must address the problem. Now that you know all about troubleshooting Pentair pool heaters, hopefully, your heater works in top-notch condition. Speed 2 LED/button will select the second speed which is 1500 RPM. It says "Err" and then "0002" and won't turn on. Now go to the breaker and turn the pump breaker off and then on again to reset the pump. Pentair Heat Exchanger Troubleshooting: The biggest fear about the heat exchanger is that corrosion can occur to the relatively soft copper finned tubes, causing them to develop pinhole leaks. Below is a list of all the error codes that Pentair has provided for error codes on a Pentair Superflo VS pump. filter sock or filter saver in the skimmer basket to trap the smaller particle Error Code R13: Startup Mode 4. Heat pumps do require maintenance twice a year. I also use the screwdriver to scrape away any debris that may be jammed in there. jammed in there. What exactly should I be looking for? I have same code. Check on the units wiring to ensure that isnt the problem. Then reading how to fix the Pentair heater error code R13 guide will help you a lot. A repository of Pentair stakeholder and customer information at your fingertips including white papers, case studies and product manuals, etc. There are two ways to clear the blockage. Spin it Its like not insulating your houses loft if you dont utilize a sun cover. Capacitor Replacement and Troubleshooting! Press J to jump to the feed. *17,16, 02, 08, 04, 06, 09, 0A Internal Errors: These errors can occur based on operating conditions and the UL 60730 required self-diagnostic safety software. most common one is the Err 0002 and it is usually caused by the impeller Once the impeller spins freely the blockage has been There are a number of reasons why your blower can stop working. It is controlled by an Easytouch and also has an Intelliclor salt system. How long does a Pentair pool heater take to heat a pool? It means that your heater is getting too hot and the high limit switch turns off the heater for safety. To get rid of this error number, youll need to double-check a few items. It is probably a built-in When you notice the Pentair heater error code R13, you dont need to do anything because its merely a part of the startup routine. I like the fact that it can down convert the Hello , This is an inactive thread. Remove side access panel, two screws. I put my voltage meter on the pump's load 1 and load two and it only read 118V. The Err 0002 If your igniter doesnt spark, it is faulty and needs replacement. The main reason behind Pentair Mastertemp won't turn on is the automatic gas shut-off. We are a registered 501(c)3 non-profit that is funded by user donations. Using an extension cord or wiring to outlet is too light. Pentair heater error code E06 is another error code related to the stack flue sensor. Views: 44 Report Jimrahbe Mod Squad TFP Expert LifeTime Supporter Jul 7, 2014 28,282 Bedford, TX For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. When I give it power I immediately get the following error: You must log in or register to reply here. Error Code E05: Stack Flue Sensor Is Open 2. Learn more Shop Now Pentair - EC-011059 - IntelliFlo i1 Variable Speed Pool Pump - Limited Warranty $1,859.00 Otherwise, the temperature sensor may be faulty. Call the installer and have them check it out or have them get a warranty tech from Pentair to fix it. The pump ran fine yesterday. To prevent the impeller from being clogged check your skimmer Error Code E06: Stack Flue Sensor Is Shorted 3. The manual states that I should disassemble the pump and check the impeller and seal plate. But like anything electronic running from software, error I will give it a try when I get home. Error Code ERR PS: Water Pressure Switch Is Open 7. Dolphin Triton PS Plus Automatic Pool Cleaner Review, The Best Pool Cover for Winter, Inground Above Pools. this may free the blockage. one or two resets. Hi, I recently replaced my pool motor and had my new VS SuperFlo working for about 1-2 weeks. Pentair superflow vs Faults and Alarms If an alarm is triggered the drive's LCD screen will display the fault code text and the pump will stop. It could be a bad drive but that is not common. Speed 1 LED/button will select the first speed which is 750 RPM. Check out the chart below to see which range is best for your model. It is being practiced by thousands of pool owners just like you. Error 0021 on Pentair Superflo VS 303Michael Jul 4, 2022 Pumps, Filters, and Plumbing 5 Pumps, Filters, and Plumbing Jul 27, 2022 303Michael Any hacks for a remote controlled Black and Decker Pool yet? WARNING: Any troubleshooting that involves electrical work is dangerous, and should be performed by a professional pool heater repair tech. This is caused by insufficient water flow through the heater. Clean the pool filter. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. E01/E126 Error Code 8. You must log in or register to reply here. My ended up smelling nicely burnt in the control/drive. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. Pentair Superflo VS Variable Speed Pump Err 02 code, With over 300,000 members, TFP is the largest and most influential pool & spa website on the Internet. Its possible that theres air in the pipes. impeller begins to spin freely again. Make sure to see if there is any dirt blocking the air vents or exhaust and ensure all of these items are working. Possible causes include incorrect wiring, dirt and debris obstruction, a lack of power supply, a defective ignition control module, and so on. 001a Error code on Pentair Superflo VS pump. Impeller is stuck or jammed with debris. Make sure that the pump is on by ensuring that the LED power is on. I only saw it that day, didnt do anything about it and havent had a problem since. When you dont use a sun cover, the heat that your heat pump puts into the pool is lost into the air. When your pressure switch is stuck open, you will find the Pentair pool heater error code PS on your heater display. When your heater is turned on, youll see this code on the display. You need to test each of the components to see if they are the culprit. If you had an installer do it, and you still have a warranty, i would call them out (because it is free) and tell them about this repair and see what they say. I went and checked the pumped and the display screen said "Err 0021". When I give it power I immediately get the following error: F90052 ALARM! That is the overcurrent fault code. Any new postings here are unlikely to be seen or responded to by other members. TriLife May 12, 2022 Pumps, Filters, and Plumbing 11 Pumps, Filters, and Plumbing Oct 18, 2022 guinness D As previously said, the Pentair heater error code R14 code isnt a cause for concern. like this try this first before you replace the p. AboutPressCopyrightContact. See "HP Indicator" LPIndicator ISSUE The refrigerant system's low-pressure switch is showing as open. Press J to jump to the feed. It will stay off until the filter pump timer is reset, providing the heat pump with the necessary water flow. Benefits of a Pentair Variable Speed Pool Pump Higher Performance Consistent flow control for the highest energy saving and ultimate system performance. Doing this may free the blockage. If adequate airflow via the blower is restored within 60 seconds after the problem message shows, the heater will resume normal performance. ERR PS Error Code Water Flow Rates For Different Pentair Models 2. In ERR PS, the PS stands for the pressure switch. If the blockage was removed the screen will no longer show the Err 0002 code. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These error code explanations will give you some guidance for resolving the most common Pentair pool heater problems: NOTE: Any troubleshooting that involves electrical work, or opening the heat pump, should be done by a professional, What it means: temperature sensordetecting water above 107 degrees, What it means: temperature sensordetecting water below 40 degrees, What it means:the units low-pressure switch senses that water flow is open or low, What it means: remote inputs of Pool AND Spa are being triggered, What it means: water thermistor circuit is shorted, What it means: water thermistor circuit isopen/receiving constant power, What it means: defrostthermistor circuit isshorted, What it means: defrostthermistoris open; power is being interrupted, What it means:the 24 VAC supply voltage to the heat pump circuit board is low. basket for debris and empty it when it becomes full. You should be able to press the start/stop button to start up the pump. Speed 3 LED/button will select the third speed which is 2350 RPM. The temperature sensor on your Pentair pool heater is open, as indicated by both the Pentair pool heater error codes E01 and E126. turn it off. If you have any questions regarding Pentair gas pool heater error codes, you can leave us a comment. It may take a bit of effort. not need to do any other troubleshooting unless the Err code does not clear after Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A malfunctioning ignitor, a busted control module, a clogged or damaged flame sensor, a bad thermal regulator, or defective AGS or AFS are the likely reasons. It will then begin to go into the Replace if it is bad. It was never meant to be public, but looks like others are looking at this so i'll try to make it useful.I was having a problem with my pump where you could hear it reset itself for no reason. You will get much more visibility by. The factory settings will be in assigned. Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Generally just warranty it and the new one works fine. I figure after looking at this dissassembled you could tell if it was impeded by some cruft in the impeller by trying to turn it manually. I was imagining the WORST like voltage drop from the house which would involve running another but thicker wire 500 feet! A Pentair IntelliFlo 2 VST. pump or a poor connection. E05 Error Code 9. brand new pentair vs gives out code EOFF ,then shuts off . Hello , This is an inactive thread. The ERR IGN code indicates ignition failure. will prevent the pump from running until you clear the blockage. You should be able to press the start/stop button to start up the pump. The reason is simple: TFPC (Trouble Free Pool Care) is a methodology, not a product that you must purchase. Let me know what you find. internal slip and 2 in. The screen will display an error code as Err and then display a number. Hopefully will warm up soon and I can reset. All of these occurrences are out of the ordinary. If you see that your SuperFlo VS is not running as screwdriver. The pump ran fine yesterday. When the motor is stopped it is not drawing much current. start/stop button to start up the pump. SFS stands for stack flue sensor. Freeze protection is provided by selecting YES at the ON WITH FREEZE If the issue code remains after trying all of these steps, you should seek expert assistance. To prevent the impeller from being clogged check your skimmer basket for debris and empty it when it becomes full. 27K views 1 year ago Videos on Heaters If your heater is displaying an eo5 or eo6 error code there is a simple fix. All rights reserved. All Right Reserved by HeaterFixLab. Insufficient water flow is usually caused by a dirty filter. for the skimmer. If you have a suction side cleaner You should When the temperature of the water going through the heat exchanger for the second time exceeds 140F, the Pentair pool heater error code AGS occurs. its quick and easy way. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Pentair heaters sometimes display codes R13 and R14. Call Us Nationwide: 1-800-741-9956 West:213-291-9276Southwest:480-719-4511 Midwest:312-229-0026 Northeast:631-223-7175 Southeast:239-247-5878 Trustpilot Menu Browse Heaters Back When the pump is running it seems to run for 20 - 30 minutes then it cuts off for 15 - 20 seconds then comes back on. However, it is possible that your heater will not turn on once R13 has been flashed. It would self prime in about 1 minute and everything was happy. If the Err 0002 code is still on the screen, try the above steps one more time and reset the pump again. What could be the issue here? Remove any obstructions. is connected at the skimmer you may want to try the after-market Hole in One Basket The FLO code indicates that the water flow to your heat pump has been halted by the filter pump. The second method is to use a Allen Wrench and insert it into the back of the pump. Pentair IntelliFlo3 VSF 3.0HP with I/O Board, Youtech - Home Services Digital Marketing Agency. With extensive experience in pool repair and manufacturing, I looked down and viewed my mistake of allowing part of the plastic sheet to cover the pool motor fan intake. Pentair Pump Error 0021 Jeffrey Kibler 9 subscribers Subscribe 17 Share 9.2K views 3 years ago I apologize to anyone who found this seemingly useless video with no description. The error code E03 means that the thermal fuse of the STA-RITE is open. Skimmer and Prevent Debris from Clogging the Pump! The heat pumphas locked due to five HP(high-pressure) faults during one call for heating or cooling. codes will appear from time to time. Riptide Vacuum System Steering Knuckle Upgrade! If the Err 0002 code is still on the screen, But more than likely when you clear the impeller jam the pump will start up and run like normal. It means that the SFS has shorted. And does anyone have a possible idea as to what is happeneing? I'm guessing water is still frozen causing this? The Pentair SuperFlo Variable Speed pump is a great The second method is to use a Allen Wrench and 0F Absolute AC Under-Voltage Detected: This indicates that the supply voltage has dropped below the operating range of 99v. failsafe so that the pump doesnt overheat and become damaged. JavaScript is disabled. If your mini-split has a leak, a professional may be required to add refrigerant after the repairs are completed. Varying Pentair heater models require different amounts of water flow. Ooops. The Err 0002 can also indicate a wire is loose in the I have not had the error since and the drive has been working great. You can turn the impeller by using a 1/4 allen wrench at the back in the fan. I got that a few times the other day while backwashing but the pump Would kick on a second or two later. I do have pine needles that make it through the basket occasionally, so wondering if those are getting caught. : https://www.swimmingpoollearning.com/swimming-pool-care-ebook, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsvsTjbpoT-dsZaZkJevqaCgR7Tfl2XzP, Swimming Pool Tips, Reviews & How To Video Index (List) Alphabetical order. I checked voltage at the pump and I am getting 230V consistently. What it means:refrigerant systems high-pressure switch is open, What it means:refrigerant systems low-pressure switch is open, What it means:5 faults have occurred within the heat pumps last cycle, Medallion Energy 3055 Tech Park Way Deland, FL 32724 407-786-0000, Hours Mon-Fri: 8am 7pm Saturday: 9am 5pm Sunday: By Appointment, Service Areas Anywhere in the United States and throughout Florida.Orlando, Longwood, Miami, Tampa Bay, Jacksonville, St Cloud, Tallahassee, Daytona Beach, Davenport, Windermere, Clearwater, and the rest of North, South, and Central Florida. Some Tips for Manually Vacuuming Your Swimming Pool. The method I always use is to remove the pump lid and pump basket, then I spin the impeller with a screwdriver. Use the following troubleshooting guide to repair common heat pump issues and get technical support. I originally. Remove screen from bottom of pump and make sure nothing is preventing the impeller from moving freely. Try cleaning it up if the water flow is less than ideal. Gently turn it back in forth until the impeller begins to spin freely again. This is because, after 60 seconds of mistake, the heater will enter lockout mode. But like anything electronic running from software, error codes will appear from time to time.If you see that your SuperFlo VS is not running as scheduled, flip open the top and see if there is an error code of some kind. if you have problem to your pool pump pentair. RESOLUTION 21 -Communication link between HMI and motor control has been lost. An ignition failure can be caused by a variety of heater components. It happens when the water temperature is above 135F while passing through the heat exchanger. Otherwise, there could be excess voltage sag caused by improper installation or improper supply voltage. voltage and be used at 120V as well as at 230V. Heat pump troubleshooting guide for Pentair pool heaters. Disconnect power to the pump and wait until the keypad LEDs have all turned off. Then turn it on and it works fine. But if the water temperature is cool enough but the error message is still there, it means that there is something wrong with the high-limit switch. . It may not display this or other websites correctly. In that case, you can read our comprehensive guide on how to deal with Pentair heater error code R14. Error Code R14: Revision Mode 5. will no longer show the Err 0002 code. The Pentair SuperFlo Variable Speed pump is a great choice for a Variable Speed Pump. . The buttons on your heaters front panel buttons will be disabled during this malfunction. Your heaters ignition control module is the most likely culprit that will need to be replaced. In some cases, you may need to replace your current pump with a new one entirely. Pool Pumps Inground Pool Pumps With the wide selection of inground pool pumps from Pentair, your perfect pool pump is waiting for you. I installed a new Superflo VS pump on my 16x36 inground pool. Pentair IntelliFlo 2 VST. Now go to the breaker and turn the pump breaker off and then on again to reset the pump. At this point, reconnect power to the pump. Read our article on Pentair ignition failure to learn more. It will then begin to go into the priming mode and then start up. I can make it work if I take an Allen wrench and manually spin the impeller for a few rotations. It does this at all speeds not just one on setting. Pentair heat pump error code LOW WATER FLOW LOW WATER FLOW What it means: the unit's low-pressure switch senses that water flow is open or low How to fix it: Check that pool pump is sending water to heater Ensure that pool pump is receiving enough water Check that your pool system's multiport valves are on the correct settings Mine ended up being a faulty control board. If the blockage was removed the screen will no longer show the Err 0002 code. When you wire up this pump you basically have your two hot wires coming from the breaker, and you have a ground that screws to the case of the drive. I have an error code on my Pentair variable speed pump. Once the impeller spins freely the blockage has been cleared. Now, every morning when is scheduled to turn on, it shoots out error codes 0002 and 000F. I like the fact that it can down convert the voltage and be used at 120V as well as at 230V. Your heaters front panel will stop working when this error occurs. It Hi, I have an error code on my Pentair variable speed pump. Check for a voltage drop when the motor is running on high speed. I like the fact that it can down convert the voltage and be used at 120V as well as at 230V. priming mode and then start up. A heat pump, on the other hand, often heats a pool by 20 degrees Fahrenheit after 24 to 72 hours. Also make sure both the skimmer and pump basket do not have rips or tears which could allow debris to get through and into the pump impeller. Also make sure both the skimmer Now, every morning when is scheduled to turn on, it shoots out error codes 0002 and 000F. 21 Communication Link between the HMI and Motor control has been lost: Check the jacketed wire on the backside of the keypad inside the drive top cover. And in that case, the common error codes with your Pentair MasterTemp are ERR PS, ERR HLS, ERR AFS, ERR IGN, ERR AGS, ERR SFS, E01, E05, and E06. fix the error codes E01 and E126 with your Pentair pool heater, Pentair heaters service light may turn on, how to fix the Pentair heater error code R13, comprehensive guide on how to deal with Pentair heater error code R14, How To Fix Pentair Pool Heater Error Codes E01 [Solved], Suburban Water Heater Wont Stay Lit [11 Easy Fixes], Richmond Tankless Water Heater Troubleshooting [A Complete Guide], Richmond Electric Water Heater Troubleshooting [A Complete Guide], Richmond Gas Water Heater Troubleshooting [A Complete Guide], Richmond Water Heater Blinking Light Codes [Why+ How To Fix], Richmond Water Heater Gas Valve Problems [Why + How To Fix]. Power Out/OFF Does anyone knows what this means? Gently turn it back in forth until the Error Code AD0: Bad Keypad 6. on a single 110V breaker the SuperFlo VS pump is pretty much the only Variable Seek professional heat pump repair, Outside temperatures are too low to operate, Have pool heater tech check if the switch needs to be replaced, Check for additional error codes that are listed in this post. Speed 4 LED/button will select the fourth speed which is 3110 RPM. Any new postings here are unlikely to be seen or responded to by other members. Get exclusive pool heating tips, time-saving pool care hacks, and first-access to members-only news and special offers. Remove cord connector from top of pump and dry out with cloth or hair dryer. Ensure that the 5 pin connector is properly plugged into the socket and that there is no damage to the cable. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If the Err 0002 code is still on the screen, try the above steps one more time and reset the pump again. (The fan and impeller are on the same axle.) Variable speed pumps move water more efficiently at lower speeds, saving money and energy. Pentair pool heater error code E05 indicates that the stack flue sensor is open, as the exhaust temperature was determined to be above 176F. POOL OPERATORS AND OWNERS MUST READ THESE WARNINGS AND ALL INSTRUCTIONS IN THE OWNER'S MANUAL BEFORE USING THIS PUMP. Effect 20 RPM increments by pressing and holding the down/up button to steadily decrease or increase the pump speed. Make sure that your variable pump is on this means ensuring that the green power LED is turned on. Simply open the front door and look directly behind the control board. Is this normal? I also use the screwdriver to scrape away any debris that may be The problem was that it happened so quickly you couldn't see what the error was. I set up a gopro for hours and finally caught it giving and error 0021.Pentair was an absolute disaster to deal with but i was finally able to get them to send me a new drive. You must check that the rate of water flow is within the range specified and that the water temperature does not exceed 140F to correct this error. If you have a suction side cleaner connected to the pool, make sure you are using an in-line leaf canister. pump was working now just blinks yellow wont start any suggestions ??