Best wishes. The author also gives their consent individually via email. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Very soon, it will be converted to XML and HTML. This reviewer wants to remain anonymous, so they selected (x) I would not like to sign my review report. This is highly unusual and can likely be quickly resolved. I have submitted my Minuscript to international journal of molecular sciences, on Friday 21st October, But the status is still same pending review. Excuse me, if this status is Pending editor decision, how many days will it take to make a decision? I hope that you will be fine. I would like to inquire about the status of my manuscript that has been under review since the 21st of November 2022 [Cells] Manuscript ID: cells-2079368. You can find their details on the journal webpage. The status of my paper is showing pending editorial decision. If youre struggling with this, you can reach out to the Academic Editor assigned to your paper, who can add the vouchers before the paper is accepted. As part of this, the Editorial Office asks reviewers if they want to disclose their identity. You can then submit your full manuscript in November. Thank you very much! Unfortunately, as soon as the manuscript is accepted for submission, the authors cannot be changed. If your paper is still being processed (i.e., in one of the many processing stages such as Pending review or Pending editor decision), then you can contact the journals Editorial Office. Please contact them to resolve the issue. Does it mean Rejection? special issue 12 1 17 -> 2 17 minor revision ( . This is unusual of MDPI (data), since the usual time for first review is normally 39 days. Ive re-read it and cannot find the flaws. Unfortunately, they both have not yet answered. I have attached the files in my email to her. MDPI prides itself on the high speed and flexibility of its publication. Congratulations! Please note that the paper was not peer-reviewed at all, which we find really odd, because some other journals with 3 times higher Impact factors and twice rejection rates, at least gave us the chance to be peer-reviewed. If you still dont notice any updates, please get back in touch. Thanks for the reply. If artice is accepted for the publlication the total Artice Publishing charges will be imposed to my co-author or it will be partially imposed to him/her? I am worried if the deadline is not met. Im concerned since its been 25 days and I havent heard a response from the journal side or from my assigned editor side. Sometimes, delays occur when waiting for feedback from reviewers and Academic Editors. What does it mean? They will consider the latest version of the manuscript, as well as the completed peer review process. If not why MDPI did not make publication free of charge as of elsevier and other reputable journals? Please can you tell me if we want to add aithors during revison for Funding? Later my submission went to the Chief Editors Final Decision. So, based on your two rounds of revisions, the Associate Editor (AE) has made their decision on the manuscript and. Is it possible to make publication in MDPI with full waiver for least developed countries? It is the last chance for authors to edit their paper. This manuscript status means that your manuscript has officially been accepted for publication. The different versions of your manuscript are tracked in SuSy. How long the pending review process takes? Every manuscript is unique, and some may need additional reviews. Click on Editorial Office as shown to find their contact details. As we know, Metals MDPI has a high reputation for the rapid publication process. Around 12 business days. Please do get back in touch if you find yourself waiting any longer than this. Hello Sopheap, thank you for the comment. It may take longer than expected if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload. You can find their details on the journals webpage, by clicking on Editorial Office on the left-hand navigation menu. This is at the Academic Editor's discretion. Please could you get in touch with the journals Editorial Office? My first manuscript rejected. i submitted my paper in processes and they assigned me 2 reviwers . We have been waiting for over five days. Hello, I ask this issue because I am not able to find a way during the submission process. However, if this is related to an error in your formula, then take a look at this detailed policy regarding corrections and retractions. Thank you. This form applies to manuscripts that have already been published. We aim to find expert reviewers within one week of sending out invitations and then expect reviews back within two weeks. What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean? I am getting worried about the delay. Id encourage you to get in touch with the Editorial Office if its been five working days without an update. The first round of reviews usually takes around two to three weeks. We wanted to remove and add authors. Humbly request you Madam, kindly your value-added inputs with regard to the same. My manuscript has been submitted to Remote Sensing remotesensing-2204341 on January 21, 2023. Once you do submit, its likely that youll have questions about when your paper will be published. Because today is the 44th day after my first submission date and the status of my article is still unchanged. Our manuscript is a cross sectional survey that analyses response of dentists regarding their practice in certain restorations. Each manuscript is reviewed on an individual basis. [9] Pending review = The paper is due to be pre-checked. Moreover, it significantly contributes to knowledge and guides dentists to evidence based recommendations in the practice. 2. Hi You can also check out one of our other articles to find out more about what your manuscript status means. Detailed information is provided in the Instructions for Authors section via the journal menu. According to information from this link, , the submission decision days is 38 days and based on information from the website , it is said that manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 16 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3.3 days. Please feel free to reach out to the Assistant Editor for an update. Hi, please for the status (Conversion Skipped), can we fund the PDF article online? They will be able to provide you with an update on your manuscript. its a original research about sealers used in endodontics, but i dont know why its rejected. We have waited for more than five days. MDPIpending decisionPending editor decision. It is up to you how you use the MDPI templates. . The full list of MDPI journals is available here. Thank you very much! It shows that status is pending review. After 2 rounds of the revision, 2 reviewers accept for the publication and 3rd one reject it, because he/she comments irrelevant to the manuscript and authors were not able able to satisfy him/her. It usually takes 12 days. Can we publish an erratum correcting it? How much time it takes in Pending editor decision? However, we have not been receiving any response. Manuscript status can be a little bit confusing at times. For example, if the document was originally uploaded in LaTeX format, can it then be uploaded in Word format?. second, can we re-submit on the same journal as Energies if the editor suggests to withdraw? Please reach out to the editor assigned to your paper about this issue. Still, it is under review. This is highly unusual. The Academic Editor needs to check a few things before the manuscript moves onto the next stage. Whether this is invoiced to the institution directly or the author will depend on which institution it is. Is it normal to wait for such a long time. MDPI has an expert team of editors who detect English errors and house style issues in the proof-reading stage. Although some papers pass through the process and hit all the time estimates, others may take longer, for many different reasons. The status changed from Pending review to Under review on December 15th and the Assistant Editor was also assigned on that day. You can find this feedback on SuSy, MDPIs manuscript submission system. kindly reply. Is it common for reviewers and editor to not agree? The pending review stage generally takes around 1-5 working days. The status for my sustainability-1961792 is showing Pending editor decision since 3rd Nov 2022. What might have happened? Will you please let us know how much time will it take to give the decision? You can find their details by clicking Editorial Office on the left-hand column of the journal webpage. This does depend on their schedules. Thank you. You are therefore encouraged to use the journals Microsoft Word template or LaTeX template (including Overleaf) to prepare your manuscript. The Assistant Editor for your paper will also update you via email about decisions they make. I hope to find the solution from commenting in this blog. My sincere apologies that you have been waiting so long. or Will there be any weightage with regard to the Review Report sent by Round-1 Reviewers? I am following this up for you. Apologies for the delay. Yes, authors can ask the Assistant Editor to withdraw their submission at any time before paper acceptance. The Manuscript ID is horticulturae-2253134. We have submitted our manuscript to Cancers and got major revision. Should I email the Assistant Editor about it? How can i do that, madam/sir. But there is no update from the editor or journal. Not to worry. The Assistant Editor will also ensure that reports are collected as agreed and will inform authors if any delays are expected. Take a look at our How to navigate SuSy video for guidance. However, the average net cost to authors across all journals was CHF 1258 per paper. Thank you. Here are the MDPI submission statuses that you might encounter on the SuSy platform. How can any one expect novelty in a survey study of this kind. This manuscript status usually lasts around 12 business days. Contributions should be listed during the submission process and are also part of the journal template. This is very surprising to hear. I would encourage you to contact the Academic Editor for any missed updates. May I know why is it so? Hello dear Katherine Bosworth, My name is Dr. Shams. I am going to submit my academic paper for my PhD degree. How can we know if something went wrong with our paper? Upon completion of the production steps, the article will be available online. Thank you for your attention. Hi, Since the first day of the submission, we have tried to contact the editorial office along with the Handling Editor, requesting them to assist us in applying the discount vouchers we have obtained from performing peer-review. Then, I resubmitted the manuscript on 1st of October, it went to peer review, two positive responses one with minor revision and second accepted it. Am I still allowed to submit before the manuscript submission deadline, which is November 30, 2022 ? Check out this article on MDPIs name change policy for more information about how you can update the authors of your manuscript. If you have prepaid, MDPI will send a refund on request. If the manuscript was rejected, we would greatly appreciate it if authors could inform the new journals Editorial Office in advance of submitting. Authors can also reach our Editorial Office using the contact details in the journal menu. They should respond within 1-2 working days. MDPI uses iThenticate to review manuscripts for plagiarism. I am planning to submit my article to the special issue of Vaccines. Status Associate Editor .Review process , 3 . Access it here:, Hello! Or should I wait for more time? Is it possible to do edits after the publication extremely necessary one, for example a mistake in formula on which the results are based? Warm greeting, My name is Alvian Toto Wibisono. Your work will be read and rated by a few academics from your field. so how to upload the revised proposed paper? The official classification of newly discovered or long-known unassigned viruses by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) requires the deposition of coding-complete or -near-complete virus genome sequences in GenBank to fulfill a requirement of the taxonomic proposal (TaxoProp) process. Revised version reviews take about three working days to complete.,, Our paper had pending editors decision status for 8 days then the status changed to revised version review. . Please check your junk and spam folders. I have selected open review for my manuscript but I dont want to keep it in open review how can I change it? They will advise you of the decision and any action that you need to take. How long does it take to know the acceptance? I want to know if this decision was made by the SI GE or others. Here are answers to some of the questions that we are asked most often about the submission process, along with a video explaining in detail how to upload your manuscript. Hi Islam. Once the journal has accepted your manuscript for publication, the final steps will be completed. Thank you for your comment! But one reviewer gave -ve report. Hi, our article after 3 minor revision shows pending editor decision for more than a month now. I have contacted editorial office many times but no response. Hi Prof. Mallikarjuna, thank you for the comment. Because we have been contacting the SI GE and he showed substantial interest in our paper (even offered us off on the APC), but the paper did not successfully go through the pending review stage. Thanks for being so patient. Can we add and remove the author during proofreading step? I have submit my paper Id (sustainability-1826830) to sustainability. However, the status of my submitted article is in the pending decision. mdpi publication . How long does it take in general for an article published in MDPI Microorganisms to show up in PubMed? Could you help us contacting the editorial office on our behalf. Thank you for your comment. Sorry that youve been waiting so long. It usually takes around 48 hours. As per your website, this stage will take 1-2 days only. I hope we can receive a detailed peer review report. At this stage, what is the probability of acceptance of my manuscript for publication? Therefore, we received positive comments from three reviewers in the first and the second revision round. Do you think how long probably I should keep waiting? The review time specified in the journal guidelines is 12.4 days. Im going to chase this up on your behalf. reject => => major revision => => pending editor decision. Hi, We resumitted revised manuscript on weekend, however, we notice that one Figure have a little wrong legend. Plz, reply me. Our Micromachines paper has been Under Review for 22 days now, despite the 14.4 days review speed posted in the website. Pending conversion = Microsoft Word or LaTeX is being converted to JATS XML. I have done the same, then why additional authors are not accepted by an editor before the final decision? how can I find my submitted paper reviewers emails? This may occur if, for example, one or more of the reviewers require(s) more time. So, they directly refused that we will not consider the new author. Please could you get in touch with the JTAER Editorial Office? I have a quary that during Proofread i have done a mistake can I submit it again.if possible then what should be the process. However, MDPI carries out most of the publishing steps, from submission to online publication. You may include others ideas and words, as long as you quote and reference them appropriately. No need to worry. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023, MDPI Blog is a solution provided by MDPI AG. Hi, Do I have to write the names of all authors, author affiliations, and funders in my manuscript? Also another point, the process is so long than before do you know why? Of course, authors can track the status of their paper. In short, after how many days from today I am likely to get a decision? The pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days. 4 5 . what does it means? Take a look at any feedback that may have been given on SuSy, as this will help you improve your manuscript before resubmission. What does it mean? MDPI will endeavour to consider all circumstances. Please contact the Editorial Office if it has been five business days and an Assistant Editor has not yet been assigned to your submission. Today I checked as its changed to Pending decision and I see peer reviewers comments. Please do the needful. I was asked to review for an MDPI journal and realized while requesting to extend the deadline for my review that the editor at MDPI intended to send review requests to several reviewers, to gather enough reviews to make a decision on the basis of the first 2-3 he received. When we are intended to propose authorship changes, after filling authorship changes form, where do we have to upload it? Can you please explain the editorial process for papers submitted to special issues (SIs) before reaching the under-review stage? They can provide you with an update on your manuscript and put your mind at ease. Hi Nawal, thanks for the comment! What will be process after such condition and what have to discuss with editor. The manuscript was submitted on January 17, 2023. However, as this is something youre concerned about, you can contact the Editorial Office directly. The Assistant Editor aims to find reviewers within the first week of sending out invitations. This is a mandatory step in the final stages of each paper, with no additional fee. I am getting worried about the delay. I can see the reviewer report is not very encouraging. An abstract is a short summary of your research. On 14 Nov 2022, I could see all the R three Peer Review Reports (Round -1). My status of the manuscript says Conversion Skipped. Ive reached out to the editorial office on your behalf, you should hear back from them soon. i submitted my paper in mdpi energies special issue on 26 september 2022 and my status is remain same as pending for your untill today. As such, I am getting worried about the prolonged delay. Other versions of your manuscript, including HTML, will soon follow. If the deadline date is 28.02 what time is the latest I still can submit my manuscript? They will be able to advise on any waivers and/or discounts available to you. MDPI has a name change policy for after publication. Review process: 1. Our authors publications in English have enabled broad international readership, with more than 14 million MDPI webpage views monthly in 2020. Still, I havent gotten any requests for minor or major changes. We have submitted our manuscript and even its revised version to Scientia Pharmaceutica journal, and now the status has changed to Pending editor decision. Id like to ask about the status of Pending Editorial Decision which has lasted for more than 10 days. All the editorial, production, and invoicing steps are managed using MDPIs SuSy and are performed by in-house employees, largely using software created and maintained by MDPI. Im going to look into this and Ill keep in touch. In rare cases, reviewers do need a bit more time to assess the manuscript and make changes. To find out more, check out our interview with MDPI English editors. thanks. Hello Cheng-En. The typo will be removed by MDPIs in-house English editors during the editorial process. We have submitted on a special issue of Cells. You can take a look at MDPIs Policy Regarding Corrections and Retractions. I am sorry to hear that you have been waiting for longer than our estimated time. This is usually completed in around three working days, but could take longer depending on the reviewers schedules. Dear Ms. Bosworth, Can you please specify that on average how long does a Revised version review take for a paper after major revision? I would like to know the status of our manuscript Cells-2139714. Apologies for the wait. I submitted an article to microorganisms. You can find their details on the Editorial Office link on the journals homepage. MDPI Journals A-Z Information & Guidelines Initiatives About Login Register Submit Guidelines for Reviewers Instructions for Authors . Your manuscript has now been published online in PDF format. Your paper has been published online in PDF format. Alternatively, you could decide to use the credit on your next submission. I have contacted the Data Editorial Office and I will keep you updated. I submitted my manuscript to the Economies on December 30th 20222. Then we revised it and submitted it on 13th of November. If I submitted an article in mdpi and 3 reviewers review the manuscript. Review . What does it mean? after resubmission the one reviewer satisfy with my comments however other reviewer not satisfier with some comments. Or should we just wait? , - - approve submission ( ) - 3500 1 20.05.01 9337 - acknowledgement . Thus, we would be glad for any information concerning this manuscript. Weve reviewed your question and have the following information for you. Im from Palestine (where the world considers it as a low-bank country) and Im a PhD student. There are many different reasons why a paper might be rejected during the publication process. I submitted the manuscript 5 days ago but still, but it is showing Pending Review Ive read that pending review takes around a few days and I should contact you if it takes more than 5 days. You can use any number of discount vouchers from MDPI peer review. The length of the process could be dependent on the editors workload, for example, or the scope of the journal/SI. Once a manuscript has been submitted, it will go through different stages of progress on SuSy. Many apologies for the delay. Unfortunately, I found one correction didnt match which i told like just adding three words in literature section. I would like to know the status of our manuscript jcm-2211571 It will either be peer-reviewed again or sent to the editor for a final decision. Regarding your procedure, it takes 1-2 days to display the final decision. hi, This manuscript status indicates that a paper has been pre-checked and is now being peer-reviewed. i submitted my revised manuscripts after 2 major revision and one minor revision . I have submitted manuscript to Animals on 1st of September and I received reject and encourage resubmittion. Assistant Editors can have busy schedules and this can delay the process. Hi, We find the automatic answer given to authors after rejected by editor considerably vague and in contradiction with the San Francisco Declaration, which MDPI signed on 2012 with this motto: We aim to publish all manuscripts that are scientifically correct, and do not artificially increase journal rejection rates, allowing the reader community at large to define impact. If this is correct, then what is rejection based on novelty and general significance after rejection by the editor? Were conducting an investigation into how this happened. They will be able to give you an update. Thanks. We expect to receive revisions within 5 days (for minor revisions) or within 10 days (for major revisions). Time is rather critical for this paper. Please get in touch with the journals Editorial Office if you are struggling to meet the submission deadline. Should we reach out to the assistant editor? I and a few of my connections from the USA have submitted valuable papers using the voucher code they got during reviewing process. I am the author of an article that wants to be published in Metals MDPI with the manuscript ID and title as follows: Manuscript ID: metals-1771094.